Updated on my progress

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May 30, 2009
United States
Well it's been exactly 4 weeks post op on my bliateral knee replacement. My left leg is doing wonderfully. ROM is 110, but my right knee is pretty stubborn, only 93. :( I am doing my exercises faithfully and have gone from in home pt and will start outpatient pt on Monday. I am walking and climbing steps, but I feel my right knee should be doing better. Has anyone else experience one knee doing better than the other? My right leg was the worse of the 2 from the start. Am I expecting too much too soon?
Ed, hopefully you'll hear directly from some of the bilat folks, but it makes sense to me that two knees could be dramatically different, especially given that the "slower" knee was the one in the worst shape. Hang in there and keep doing your PT, ice, elevate, all that stuff....things will get better. You are VERY early in the healing process!!
Yes you are expecting to much from the right. After my BTKR, my left one was behind the right and still is by only 2 degrees. The left was worse than the right going into my surgery. Today my right knee is at 128 and the left is at 126. I am still working on my goal of 130 for both on my BTKR one year anniversary this coming August. Just hang in there, you still have a good ways to go. Work hard and they will be together before you know it.
Hi I have ony had one done, but I have heard they are diff no one knee is the same...Keep at it, and be careful on those stairs........Im glad your having pretty good progress you only 4 weels thats really good........keep us posted.....
Would be a minor miracle if they were both the same!
Hi Ed!
I think you're doing fine after only 4 weeks. I, too find that my right knee has been slower to recover. It was also the worse one going into the operation so the muscles weren't as strong. Just keep up the PT and you'll continue to see improvemnts--every day gets better!
Yes, both knees recover slightly differently from one another as they each had their own issues and muscle weakness. But you have them both to work on together, and know you will need to work a little harder on the slower knee. They eventually do even out and work together well!
Congratulations on having them both done, and being on the road to regaining your life as you would like to live it back...
I was wondering how you are doing?? Has your slower knee caught up with the other
knee yet? I hope that you are doing well in PT. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey Calling me to.lol. A double TKR. wow:bow::bow: gotta to give it to ya. . But you know you will be glad in the long run. You will be much better off. I hope you are doing well. Please post when you can...We are all here 4 you...Good luck to you...
It is normal. I had a BTKR and the right one, which was much worse going in was 8 to 10 degrees behind the left and about 5 degrees in extension. It took almost 7 months before the right one came close to the left. Now the right one has started to swell again and is a bit behind the left one but still can do everything I need to.

Just keep working on them. Your PT will probably work on the right one more to help you out.

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