Oh @DOCCUKE I can imagine just getting through the day is a goal at present with all you have going on! So sorry to hear about your grand daughter. I hope she gets the help she needs. One of my daughters was bullied at school and she’s in her mid thirties now, but the effects of bullying are still there, albeit hidden.
Losing your dogs will clearly be a huge wrench too so here’s hoping things improve for you on the personal front and your knees continue to improve on the physical
Aww, DOCCUKE, that's a whole lot of heartache. I am so sorry for all you are enduring.
Prayers for peace of mind as you deal with all that you mentioned.
Know that we're here and we do care. @DOCCUKE
I am so sorry for all you have going on. I’m sorry about your mother in law; I hope your wife heals from that. I’m also so sorry about your dogs. I’ve been there too many times.
Your grandaughter…..I can’t imagine how awful that is. I have five teenage grandkids & my heart hurts for your whole family. I hope she is getting some help.
So my best buddy Little Doc crossed the rainbow bridge last Saturday afternoon. Saturday morning when I got up he was struggling to breathe. I found an emergency vet that was an hour ride away. When I got there he was doing much worse. We got as far as through the front door & he collapsed. The vet checked & he had no heartbeat. That was it. He was gone!! I was bawling my eyes out in the lobby so bad several of the young ladies also started crying. I am crying writing about it.
But wait there is more!! Our pit bill Daisy's cancer has spread to her right rear leg she can barely walk & does not even want to eat. We made the call and tomorrow she will be put to rest. So my knee is doing great but I am a bit heartbroken as is my wife. Peace.
I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling losing both your beloved dogs at the same time. My heart goes out to you and hope you can focus on the good life you gave them. Bless you for giving them the loving care that made their lives complete. And for making that hard decision when the time came. Sending hugs to you and your wife.
Don’t worry about the typos…..I cleaned them up a bit for you just to make sure everyone could clearly read your messages. Your BoneSmart family grieves with you…..
Oh, Doc, I am so sorry. We love our fur babies and they bring such joy to our lives. You have been a very good parent, making that hard decision when it was in your baby's best interest.
Aww, DOCCUKE...I am so sorry for your loss. Losing your beloved furry friends is heartbreaking as they're not only loyal companions and a source of joy and unconditional love, but part of your family too.
I hope you find comfort in the sweet memories you and your wife will cherish for years to come.
Sending a hug to both of you. @DOCCUKE
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