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Update from THP 12/3/2008

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new member
Dec 21, 2008
United States
Went to OS on 1/15. He lifted all restrictions and said I am well on my way. Only 43 days since surgery.

It was a very exciting experience. When I was thanking him, he said that the operation and techniques have made major gains, and that I was the beneficiary of those.

So ... I am on my own. BUT, I am not giving up reading the comments on this wonderful site, and I am not going to slow down exercising. Ii figure that that needs to be a lifelong habit that I need to delelop and hone.

And it is 0 degrees this morning in northern NJ, so there is no sign of immediate golf!!

I went into this surgery with a great deal of focus and positive attitude. I think that has helped me greatly.

So keep the faith. I'll be reading! Don
Great news about your excellent post op report,Don! Yesterday, marked 1O wks out or a RTHR for me! Its a cccold 6 degrees, We're on our way to our grandson's 2nd birthday party! Life is wonderful again! In a couple of weeks you'll be back on the links reaping all the benefits of your surgery! Best of luck!
Good news, golfer! I am pleased for you ...
Good morning Don from a fellow northern NJ hippie (Denville)

I am almost 5 months out from RTHR and was having "fun" almost running up the stairs this morning. It only gets better. Am getting up the nerve to get out in this COLD weather to get in some errands, including a good workout at the gym. Great to be able to comfortably use both the treadmill and the elliptical.

My only challenge, still, is to increase flexibility. But at least there is no pain.

Enjoy your weekend all--
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