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THR Upcoming Hip Replacement - Feeling nervous!


new member
Feb 1, 2023
United States United States
I have nursed along IT Band pain with cortisone shots for years, but in the last two years, the arthritis has created a "bone on bone" situation, and now there is additional pain in the front of my leg. My doctor is very highly regarded, and my sister had the same THR a couple of years ago with great results. Still, I'm apprehensive! Part of it is the fear of the unknown. Though I realize that it's a "day in the office" for the surgeon and team, I've never experienced this before, and am a bit anxious about it! Someone I met at a "what to expect" type pre-op class told me about this site. I've already taken comfort in people's comments and questions. Glad to be here! My surgery is scheduled for late Feb., 2023. A bit of reassurance would be most welcome! Thx.
@BostonRes Welcome to BoneSmart! Yes this is an excellent place to get support and answers to your questions about hip replacement! I was just your age when I had both of my hips replaced in what is called a bilateral procedure ... both done at the same time. For me that was the best choice as both hips were really bad! I, too, was anxious about having this done though I had had a couple of surgeries previously (not related to the hips). Everyone is different and each journey through joint replacement is different. For me the first couple of weeks were difficult - legs were very swollen (around here that's called having a "log leg"), incisions hurt (but that pain is manageable with medication and icing), walking was slow and I felt unbalanced for a while. Over time all of that went away and now ... 11 years later ... I rarely think about having artificial hips .... until I log in here!

Here are our pre-op suggestions and articles. When you have your actual date for surgery please let us know and we will create a signature for you. Feel free to read any/all threads here in pre-op and also over in the recovery section.

Hip: pre-surgery considerations

If you are at the stage where you have joint pain but don't know for sure if you are ready to have surgery, these links may help:

Score Chart: How bad is my arthritic hip?
Choosing a surgeon and a prosthesis
BMI Calculator - What to do if your surgeon says you're too heavy for joint replacement surgery
Longevity of implants and revisions: How long will my new joint last?

If you are at the stage where you are planning to have surgery but are looking for information so you can be better prepared for what is to come, take a look at these links:

Recovery Aids: A comprehensive list for hospital and home
Recliner Chairs: Things you need to know if buying one for your recovery
Pre-Op Interviews: What's involved?

And if you want to picture what your life might be like with a replaced hip, take a look at the posts and threads in stories of amazing hip recoveries
@BostonRes :welome:

Of course you are anxious. No one likes facing major surgery. But stick with us here. Keep posting - it does help ease the pre-op nerves.
Might be a day at the office for the OS but it's a major surgery implanting large amounts of metal. We've all done it but most of us were nervous and anxious and that's not a bad thing. The surgery is the easy part, we get to sleep through it. The hardest part is the mental part of accepting the length of recovery and that it can't be rushed, and usually any rushing causes a longer recovery.
I am the outlier re being nervous lol. I had two huge abdominal surgeries at 29 and 37, and was paralyzed with terror before each. But! The second one got rid of the problem that was causing daily pain, and that's the memory I carried with me: take out hurting body part once, feel better forever! So I was quite blasé about the hips. I had more angst about not being allowed to use body lotion after the antibacterial washes three days running, and being unbearably itchy! Remembering those early surgeries though, nerves and anxiety are very natural and normal. Use whatever method you like to back away from the nerves-- music, meditation, journaling, whatever suits you! And come here often, make friends with the folks who are near your date -- it's very friendly here!
I was terrified of this surgery. Took me two years to build up the courage to schedule it and I had to force myself not to back out right up until they were wheeling me to the operating room!!
Once in my room I had minimal hip pain. Much less than I expected. It was my knee that was very painful. I know they manipulate the leg during surgery so I assume that's the reason.
Getting in & out of the hospital bed was a challenge to me because the bed was SO soft. Imagine that. A soft bed in a hospital? Walking right after surgery in the hospital was pretty effortless too. The hip was much stronger than I anticipated and my extreme fear of dislocation dissolved pretty quickly.
I'd say the 1st few weeks were the hardest, but they weren't actually "hard". Just getting used to a new joint and what is ok to do early on and what wasn't.
I'm now about 3 months out. I don't even think about the hip anymore. It feels exactly like my original hip before it became arthritic.
Hopefully you will soon be saying what so many of us have, "I wish I had done this sooner".
Keep us posted! Try not to worry too much. Honest, I had myself terrified. Unnecessarily.
Good morning @BostonRes ,
It is important to balance expectations.

This is a big surgery. You already know that. Sounds like your surgeon is excellent. Surgical pain will heal.

These doctors and nurses truly have seen it all.

The pain from my hip got so bad that at 52 I did not drive unless it was to a doc appt.

Every day I mentally ticked off a checkbox that I was one day closer to freedom day. Freedom from the arthritis that was robbing me of every aspect of life.

They had me stand on my bionic hip just hours after surgery. I had no pain in the hip itself.

You will soon be on the healing side! We will be cheering you on.
Welcome to the forum! so glad you were able to find us here! we have a lot of fantastic people who have had the surgery and are happy to share their experiences.
Best Wishes for surgery on Monday! Please join us on the Hip Recovery Forum when you're feeling up to it.
We will have some Recovery Guidelines for you and you'll love the support.
Hope to see you there! :wave:
Wanted to pop by and wish you well as you get on the road to healthy and painfree:friends:
See you on The Healing Side:tada:
Oh gosh! Time sure flies and here you are, ready to get that new hip tomorrow. Wishing for you the very best in experiences tomorrow. It seems to zip past very quickly and all of a sudden you are back at home with your ice packs. You got this!
Best wishes for your surgery tomorrow. I had THR in March last year, and although apprehensive beforehand, and a challenging recovery due to living on my own, the benefits far outweigh everything. You will be fine.
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