Here I am! Was out of my bed day after surgery...standing with walker was able to put all my weight on both legs! PT started bright and early Tuesday morning. 1st day right knee bent 45 and went straight to 3 degrees from bed. Left knee...are you sitting down? Bent 55 degrees and 0 degrees from bed. Right now both knees are completely straight!!!!:wahey:Right knees is up to 70 degrees bend and left knee is 75 degrees bend. I have no bruising at all!!!! No drainage!!! My incisions look great! I am able to lift my right knee completely straight up and do a full leg lift with no help. I was able to do that the 2nd day. Left leg...not yet. It's wierd how one leg bends better and the other leg lifts better.'m getting lots of sleep actually. In the hospital, Thursday night my alarm went off on my oxygen thing. I was sleeping so sound that I stopped breathing for just a second. Scared the nurses. I opened my eyes to see 3 nurses standing over me I didn't have a clue what happened. My pain level....great. I have a pain patch on at all times. They're good for 72 hours and I have 5mg/500mg of hydrocodone/apap that I can take 1 every 4 hours. Which I'm taking 1 about every 8 hours. I'm keeping ice on both knees. I have very little swelling. I found out I have very small bones. That was disappointing. All this time I tell people I'm big because I'm big boned so now I know the truth...I'm just plain fat....:hehe: LOL!!!! He put in the2nd to smallest knee replacements they make. Tired will post later! Love all of you!!!:flwr: