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Mar 12, 2009
United States United States
I have not seen this talked about yet but got this hint from a friend who had a THR. She suggested I go out and buy long legged underpants. Regular underpants will sit right where the incision is going to be....doesn't sound like fun. LOL. So I went to JCPenney's and ordered long legged undies. I guess if you can't find the long legged underpants you could use men's boxer shorts.

But what about the "fly"? I'd think you'd be better
With gym shorts......maybe a size or two
Bigger for extra comfort! :)
Depending on what approach you are having ... I went out and bought "High Cuts" they worked great for anterior incisions. ;)

Wait! I thought what you'd be wearing in thh
hospital/rehab,,,,,, sorry! (Come to think
Of it! A thong is probably the best! F you get
Used to the wedgy feeling!)
Interesting thread!

I guess it depends on the approach - anterior or posterior - and exactly where (and how large) the surgeon makes the incision as to what would be more comfortable. That might make a good pre-surgery question. But it's good to know the options. The bandage will shield the wound for a period of time, but I agree that once it's off, you don't want your undies (or anything probably) rubbing on the wound until it loses some of its sensitivity.
My bandage was removed the morning after surgery. I remember my doc looking and saying no drainage, that is my criteria for no bandage!!
I stayed in a lovely gown provided by the hospital for my stay. At home I am the pj girl, so no underwear. I waas wondering why I don't remember it being a problem.
First apt at 2 weeks to the doc, I remember getting the darn things on as a problem, but no other issues.
My first thought about long underwear, although I am not sure exactly what you mean is remember it is getting hot outside.
Good Luck
Yep....funny, Judles!

Judy....I guess if the bandages come off that quickly, a person would need to think about undies. The long ones are not really what you're thinking of as "long underwear." They are just cotton panties with shorts-type longer legs. They shouldn't be hot at all. Having never worn them, though, I don't know how comfortable they might be.

Webbie, maybe you can post later about how these work out for you.

And thong underwear following surgery.....that's a non-starter for me!!!
Haha! Me too! Isn't that funny? Now that I think of it,,,,,I
Never even gave it a second thought !
Nothing seemed to interfere with the
Incision,so that was the important thing!
Actually, all the meds made me have to void very
Frequently,,,,,,wonder if Depends would've helped
......I mean, I think dignity flies out the window
When anyone is having such major surgery
Hi Kathy! I'm with Judy on this one - I wore a gown/nightie in hospital and no undies and the same when I went home. Didn't have a dressing on my wound after the first week and a half. By the time I ventured out into the big wide world (around 2 and half weeks) I was able to wear my normal (purely functional) undies without a problem. Oh and I had a traditional posterior incision. As long as the elastic in the leg isn't tight - you should be right.
As for the g-string suggestion - FORGET IT! I've always thought those things should come with a crochet hook so you can remove them!!! Not on this body...............! :)

Hi all,

I purchased some undies with "no seams" you know, the sort that promise to solve that VPL (visible panty line) problem. They are so comfy I bought half a dozen more recently.

My sister preferred the g-strings, they missed her incision completely...
Yep....funny, Judles!

Judy....I guess if the bandages come off that quickly, a person would need to think about undies. The long ones are not really what you're thinking of as "long underwear." They are just cotton panties with shorts-type longer legs. They shouldn't be hot at all. Having never worn them, though, I don't know how comfortable they might be.

Webbie, maybe you can post later about how these work out for you.

And thong underwear following surgery.....that's a non-starter for me!!!

I have mine ordered so I will let you all know as soon as they arrive. LOL better be soon!! I have surgery on the 24th. I plan on wearing the lovely hospital "outfit" for the hospital stay. After that I will be wearing my new long legged undies. They look like loose bike shorts.

what about granny pants that go almost up to your underarms, at least the waist elastic wouldn't be an issue!
.....Rachel! NO WAY with those "granny
Panties! ". I'm a grandma & there's
Absolutely no way in the world I would
Wear THOSE!!!!
Peta! Those things must be great for cleaning glass
& windows! :)
Or to use as a sail if your mast breaks while you're out sailing...........! LOL
What time is it in your neck of the woods Judles??
:Hi Peta! Its 9AM here,,,,,You? You cracked
Me up with those granny panties usage!
LOL!!! :)
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