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Uncemented THR only: Tell me your recovery story.

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junior member
Aug 25, 2009
United States
Its been 12 days post surgery for my uncemented THR and I still cannot bear any weight. Physical therapy is limited to strengthening muscular tissue, but any stress on the joint results with shots of pain. And it is getting worse. At about 3 days post surgery, I was easily able to slide the leg upwards on to the bed. With the help of a sling and by doing a heal slide, I was able move the leg into position on the bed. Over the past few days, this simple task is now difficult and painful. The weight of the leg seems to increase with each new day. The pain that I experience is very sharp at the hip joint and on a scale of 1-10, is a 10. While lying comfortably, there is little to no pain. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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I believe the prosthesis has either come loose or the femur has a hairline fracture. An x-ray taken on day 6 shows no fracture of the bone but with the metal prosthesis masking the bone, it is difficult to conclude this. My doctor has a lets wait and see attitude and “guarantees that it can’t be loose”. If this continues up to the 12<SUP>th</SUP> week, then my doctor will have to make a decision- and I will seek a second opinion. <o:p></o:p>
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Has anyone else experienced a similar recuperation? I would like to hear from uncemented THRs only. Please let me know your recovery story.

Dana <o:p></o:p>
Hmmm, is the OS managing pain etc? what about a second opinion....sooner? can they do CT scans with thr's in place?...what about MRIs ....?

Ive had an uncemented prosthesis and was walking on it immediately......were there any bone grafts or issue with attaching the acetabulum etc....?

I'm not in a position to give advice, I know nothing in all reality, but still I wonder if there are some unknown issues!
My doctor said that this pain can be "normal". I think his response is a result of two things: 1) There is nothing that can be done at this time- whatever the real problem is will have to be solved after recuperation. 2) He is apathetic. He really does not listen very well but tends to reject complaints from a patient as an annoyance. I'm beginning to think the problem is not the joint but a pinching of the femural nerve. Thanks.
Were I in your shoes I would get a second opinion double quick. What ever this is it should be identified and a decision made about treatment. I think you could be spot on about the hairline fracture and whilst there is no specific treatment for that, you at least need to know about it.

What are you taking in the way of pain meds at the moment, and how often?
I have an uncemented THR. My immediate post-surgical orders were "full weight bearing as tolerated." I'm not sure why there is such variance in the surgeon's instructions. Did you have any complicating factors? Although it took several weeks to be able to walk comfortably, I never had sharp pain, certainly not to a '10' level, during recovery. I did have some increasing difficulty and discomfort for a few weeks when swelling in my lower leg made my operated leg very heavy. This cleared up by 4 weeks post-op. I don't think I would wait so long for a 2nd opinion. Go with your gut feeling and have it checked out.

Good luck and post back to let us know how you are doing.
age 58, RTHR 4/2/09
I couldnt put full weight on my hip for 8 weeks, my dr is a stickler onwhat he wants and allows his patients to do. I was walking next day with a walker not full weight bearing of course. I never had or have had any pain in mhip since my surgery. I wonder why you are and Iam so sorry your having to go through all this after your surgery. I do remember how hard it was to lift my leg in the beginning but I never had pain. I hope you can get a second opinion as something just doesnt sound right. I have been 3 months since my TLHR and so happy with my results and feel so bad for you as you have been through so much and still in pain.

Gods love and Blessings to you
for the first one month definitely one cannot bear full weight. In general diff docs might give diff suggestions but general ideal time one wud feel comfortable after hip replacement is 6 weeks. Mine is uncemented both hips. After 6 weeks one can bear 80-90% of weight on leg and rest on a cane or elbow crutch.

Hope a healthy and quick recovery
Thanks for the reply Rachel. Today it has been 2 weeks post surgery with each day on a decline. The entire joint now feels stiff and the level of pain has increased. The latest problem is severe pins and needles on the outer thigh and knee. I am now concerned that the femoral nerve has been affected in addition to the underlying problem, or perhaps the femoral nerve has always been the root problem. This makes me real nervous after reading about the horror stories regarding nerve problems where there seems to be no cure. Many people report living with continuous pain. Today, I wll let the physical therapist report my poor progress to the doctor. Two days from now I have the staples removed from the doctor's office. If the OS still is not concerned, then I will apply pressure on the doctor through the hospital's administration and also seek another opinion.
To date (2 weeks post surgery) I have not had any CTs or MRIs done. Only an xray on day six which showed nothing.
Today is 2 weeks post op. The physical therapist is coming this morning and I will review past reports to get an idea of what communication has been brought to the doctor's attention. I don't think he reads these reports. Two days from now, I will be going into the OS office for staple removal. At this visit, I will speak briefly with the doctor. If he does not address my concerns, then the big guns will be drawn and some warning shots will be fired. The hospital is very concerned about public image for their new joint replacement program. They certainly would not want me to vent their lack of concern on the internet. Honestly, I don't want to either. But I'm scared at the prospect of a permanent disability at a time when I have just been laid off and trying to start a business.
Phenry57, I think your approach is right on. You have a right to know a more definitive answer as to why you are experiencing INCREASING pain. Be assertive and go for that second opinion if necessary with no delay. It's YOUR body and YOUR life we're talking about here and both are VERY important. Please continue to let us know how things go.
Hi everyone. I am the wife of the person who started this thread. He is back in the hospital. Yesterday the pain and swelling was unbearable. It took great effort for us to just get him in the car. I had made an appointment with our primary care doc. She sympathized with us and sent him to the hospital for dopplar tests to check for clots because his leg was swollen and cool to the touch. Every step he took was labored and painful. Finally after the tests were done (which showed everything normal as far as clots) his OS did have him admitted by phone. This morning the OS poked his head in the room but never came over to even examine my husband. Today I went to the hospital administrator and complained about the lack of care post surgery from the doc. They addressed the issue with the OS but agree all tests look good so they are going to place him in a rehab facility tomorrow. They also did another x-ray this evening and that too looks okay. We are now at the point where we are thinking this has something to do with a nerve problem. He has been flat on his back since Aug.19th as it is impossible to be in any other position because of the stabbing level 10 pain. Any ideas or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm so sorry to hear that your husband is suffering so, but am glad the tests didn't show any clots or problems with the joint itself. I also think you absolutely did the right thing by complaining to the hospital administrator about your surgeon's appalling lack of concern for his patient!

Before he is discharged to rehab, would you be able to have him examined by a neurologist? If he is in this much pain, I am concerned that the rehab facility will not be able to do much for him. The pain must get under control before progress can be made.

Another possibility might be for him to see a pain management specialist.

If this is not possible, just keep a very close watch on him and do NOT hesitate to get back to your primary doctor if things don't seem to be going well.
Thank you for replying Jamie! I think they plan for him to go to rehab tomorrow. Both my husband and myself feel therapy is not an option at this point...but for some reason, doctors just can't imagine that something isn't right...or maybe they think if they ignore it maybe it will go away? Unfortunately it is the holiday weekend, so I doubt I can do anything much until Tuesday unless the hospital has a resident neurologist that can peek in on him. My biggest fear is the thought of him having pain the rest of his life. I believe this is hurting me almost as much as him, just in a different way. I will contact a neurologist as soon as I can, maybe it is early enough that something can be done....maybe it will get better over time...just too many unanswered questions at this time. The surgeon sure seems to be dodging things for some reason.
These are the times where you must be a strong advocate for your husband. Keep the pressure on and don't allow the doctors to brush his pain off. There have been a couple of folks on the forum who experienced a lot of pain following surgery and it IS possible to determine what is causing it so action can be taken.

I don't believe this will be anything permanent caused by the surgery. But I DO believe you will have to get pushy with these doctors who seem so eager to shuffle him off to a rehab facility.

Please continue to post when you can. You'll be in my prayers and I want to know how things go. We BoneSmarties stick together and I care what happens!
if you have lost confidence in your surgeon you need to bring in a second opinion.You have a right too you can call up your insurance company to discuss it.Frankly i think the huge majority here did not have your husbands experience.
Hopefully its something minor and he can continue his recovery pain free good luck!!!!!
Thank you all. I do plan to keep the pressure on. Maybe going to rehab may be a good thing. The doc will just have to deal with that many more people backing up what we are saying. There is always the chance the doc is right and this will get better. I just find it hard to believe he understands the problem without examining my husband since he has been re-admitted.
Good luck to you both! We'll be right here if you need support as you go through the process of getting your hubby on the road to recovery.
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