typical hospital stay for TKR?

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May 13, 2008
United States
how long? 3 days? 4? I was in the hospital for 4.5 days for my LTKR, as the femoral block took a while to wear off and I couldn't walk til the 2nd day after surgery.

also~ does going home to recover after a short stay ( say, 3 days) more beneficial..?

just curious.
I had my surgery on a Friday and home on Monday. I had the block as well. I dont think it makes a difference. You wont be able to leave the hosp. Till you can do a few things that PT shows you. Then you should have a home care nurse/ therapist to come to your home the fist week to check your scar and help with exercises. Any more questions we are all here....I think you will be just fine and remember your not alone we have all been thru it....Post anytime.....
I had my surgery on Wednesday, March 18th. I was then "discharged" and "admitted" to rehab- which was in the hospital and literally, down the hall from where I was already- on the following Sunday (March 22). I went from there to my parents' house on April 2nd (my parents' house is handicapped accessible with a single level, my house is two levels with only one bathroom... upstairs). I stayed there for two weeks before going all the way home-home (which is only a half mile away). :wink:

After reading people's stories here and meeting a man at the nursing home where my mother had to stay- I had it EASY and I had it GOOD! Whenever someone asks me where I had my surgery, I tell them, and recommend it- because in this town, our hospital will send you to that Gawd-awful nursing home for rehab. Mercy in Janesville has rehab in the hospital.

(Okay, I'm done ranting).:D
I also stayed in the rehab wing of my hospital. I had my surgery on Monday, June 22nd. On Thursday of that week, I was transferred to the rehab floor. I stayed there for 5 days. This rehab unit is certified as a "short-term" rehab, so the most I could have stayed would have been 8 days, with an extension with my insurance company. I could have been transferred to a "long-term" rehab, but instead I then went to my aunt's house, who has a 1-story house. Also, she is home all day and took great care of me. I stayed there 11 days, then went home to my 3-story townhouse. I don't have a bathroom on the first floor either, so I didn't want to go straight home from the rehab. It all worked out great. Best wishes, Paula
Depends upon the surgeon, the hospital and your recovery. My stay should have been 4 days excluding op day but I didn't have the aids ready at home so they kept me in until Tuesday. Even that should have been Wednesday but I sort of discharged myself the day before with the excuse that if the items really weren't delivered until Wednesday I could cope for one night! As it happened they arrived on Tuesday so all was well. Home sweet home!
Let's see, my surgery was on Wed in the afternoon. Thursday I was in the hospital and Friday I left about 10 am. I hated being in the hospital, could not wait to get home. I felt so much better as soon as I walked into our house. More relaxing to be around my own stuff.
Let's see, my surgery was on Wed in the afternoon. Thursday I was in the hospital and Friday I left about 10 am. I hated being in the hospital, could not wait to get home. I felt so much better as soon as I walked into our house. More relaxing to be around my own stuff.

I hear ya....I was stressed dealing with nurses who can't seem to get their act together--especially the night shift. I was in there for 4.5 days. I'm hoping it'll be shorter this time around.
I doubt anyone likes being in hospital! It's something you just have to grit your teeth and endure. Strange bed, ghastly food, not in control of your life - who'd like it!
My hospital had pretty good food, actually. That's part of the reason I say I had it good. The nursing home where my mom was sent after her (non-knee) surgery was just atrocious. There was a man in his 50s who was there recovering from knee replacement (we compared scars) and he was appalled at the food and nursing staff. He said if he had known this is what it would be like, he wouldn't have gone at all, he would have braved it out at home.

Sad when "no care" is a better choice than a nursing home.

But the food at the home was just... icky. My dad and I used to take food to my mom all the time. I'd make home-cooked meals (chili, spahgetti and meatballs, baked muffins and such) and I'd take extra to the knee-replacement guy and another patient who was in recovering from a heart surgery complication (something with his feet, he was diabetic).

The only thing in my hospital stay that was "bad" was toast. By the time it made it from the kitchen to my room, it wasn't crisp and it wasn't very warm. But everything else was great. I was on a "general diet" and could eat whatever I wanted. I even had a chocolate malt!
ghastly food....the only thing that's truly awful are the eggs they serve...I swear, it tasted like powdered eggs--the kind that the military people eat. UGH! but now I'm gluten-intolerant, I dunno what diets they serve in the hospital.
Hi all!
I'm in the "Lucky Group". Surgery was on Monday morning, transfer to rehab on Thursday, home on the following Tuesday. Food was pretty good in both facilities for the most part--eggs weren't great but more temp and texture issue.
Nursing staff was absolutely fantastic but very over-worked in both places. I had hubby take flowers and a note to both nursing stations to thank them after I was home. They were awsome!
I had surgery at 8:30 Monday a.m. and went home Wednesday after my morning group therapy session. Those were almost fun, two other knees, one hip and our spouses in a little round sunny room. We had group sessions Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (twice a day for the ones who were staying).

The food was excellent. You could call to order off a menu anytime and they'd have it up there within 30 minutes. If you didn't call them, they'd call around normal mealtimes to see if you wanted anything. Visitors could get anything off the menu for $6.

The nurses responded instantly when I buzzed them, the bed was comfy, and I wouldn't have minded staying another night. Hubby was the most anxious to get back home.

I had it rough.. Stayed four days on post op floor and 4 days rehab if you want to call it that and went in with 105 degrees of flexion and came out with 40.. But that is not typical just ask Jo who had more movement on day 5 than I had 8 weeks later after MUA. Hope everything in your recovery goes well!
My surgery was Tuesday afternoon started discharging me Friday am then had to re-establish an iv when I blacked out on nurse during shower. Ending up coming home Saturday am. BTW, Black out was a reaction to sulfar drug that I ended up being allergic to. Lord willing I won't repeat that again this time around!

Food was okay, not very creative. When I asked for fresh fruit, they sent canned pinapple. Didn't have much appetite though, so it really didn't matter.
I had my surgery on a Monday and was home on Friday, however I had BTKR. I had a friend stay with me the first week and then I was on my own. I had PT come to my house Mon., Wed., and Fri. for the first week and a half then after I got my staples out last week, I am now going to the hospital for out patient PT. LOVE IT!!!!!!

My hospital food wasn't too bad. I had several choices for each meal.

Just remember, each person is different. Not one person heals at the same speed. Do your best to follow your Dr.'s instructions and you will be fine.

BTKR 7/20/09
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