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junior member
Jan 13, 2008
United States
OK, I know that most people say "your doctor will help you decide the type of device". My doctor told me about a couple of things I had not seen online until he mentioned it & now I found one of those. Ceramic hip replacement noise. It is interesting that I have seen many forums & no one mentioned this problem. Also he said it is not all that common, but sometimes the metal on metal replacement will stick.
I am planning surgery in April 08, and trying to gather information to make an informed decision that will affect the rest of my life. When I was 9 I was struck by a car & my left hip was crushed. Several surgeries and over 2 year recoup, left me in good shape until about 5 years ago. My pain has steadily increased & I am to the point now it is a quality of life issue.
Please let me know if anyone has had had or heard of the above two problems. Also why do some doctors do & MRI & some do not.
Any help is appreciated.
Good Day.
Both those problems have been discussed on here a number of times, mssully. Read around and you will find all sorts of information.

However, there are actually much less problems with the prostheses than people think. I have said many times on this forum before - by far the most common complications are infection, loosening, improper positioning of the prostheses and breakages of the femoral stem do to same. None of these arise from the design of the implant but are due to faulty surgical techniques. Therefore, my personal priorities are a surgeon with many years experience with prosthesis of your choice, a good percentage of acceptable outcomes and a low infection rate. All the rest, IMO, is just so much company promotional hyperbole!
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