two weeks after

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tom w

new member
Feb 22, 2008
United States
It has been two weeks since THR and am looking for direction. Therapy is going well but am still having leg pain...sleep at night is very difficult. I must still use walker to get around although I can put weight on new hip. Anyone there at similiar recovery point?
Hi Tom - welcome to the forum. I think you will find some support and encouragement here.

I just answered a similar post over in the knee forum which I think you might find fits part of your query.

Remember that you have had a very major op and 2 weeks is still very early days. My, it's not so many years ago you would have still been in hospital!! So you need to go easy on yourself as far as recovery and pain are concerned. You are not going to bounce back like a 10 year old who's just scuffed his knee!

As far as using the walker if concerned, first of all be guided by your physio (PT) but do keep trying little things at home, maybe taking a step or two in the kitchen without it but where you have other things to put a hand to if you find yourself momentarily unbalanced. It comes gradually but once you start to make progress, it will come. Don't fret.

Do come back and share your progress with us. We're here for you 24/7.
Hi Tom,

I'm a 35yr old active female; I had THR 6 weeks ago. It sounds like you are on track for week 2. I had difficulty sleeping until about week will get better! I slept on my back with pillows propped up for a few days, then I was able to lay flat...eventually I started to sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs..(week 3).

Be patient with yourself. Focus on what you can do; each day you will feel better.

All the best!
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