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Two knee scopes now knee replacement soon

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new member
Nov 20, 2008
Great State of Texas
Hi, there

I have had two knee scopes, one in August 2008 pain never went away, went back on November 18 2008, for 2nd knee scope, cartilage is tearing away leaving holes. Dr described it has paint peeling away.
Dr recommends knee replacement. I go in to discuss this December 4.
I was wondering has anyone had the knee replacement that is a barrel racer or that particaptes in horse activities and if so, how long before you were back in the saddle. My whole life is horse's and now I am concerned that I may have to give that up.
Hi, ropesandspurs - welcome to BoneSmart! Guess your username says it all, eh? Well, I don't think you need to worry - there are a couple or three members here who are keen horsement, take a look at this thread Most encouraging stories.

Of course, it all depends upon your recovery and rehab, how well you do but having something to aim for can work wonders in the motivation stakes.
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