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Two Hip Replacements

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Aug 18, 2009
United States
I have had two hip replacements. One in 2005 and the other in 2007. I have ceramic implants. My pain from osteoarthritis is completely gone, but I still have muscle pain especially going down the front of my thighs. Does anyone else experience this?
Hey Fallone welcome Im a knee but i posted to get your thread up higher so others will see and hopefully help you out........Good Luck to you, you have come so far I hope it all goes away soon.......:)
Hi, Fallone, and wlecome to BoneSmart. I very much doubt the pain is anything to do with your hip replacements, mostly because it is in both legs. You don't tell me much about yourself to help me offer advice.

What's your age? Your activities - sport, hobbies, etc. Do you have any other ailments, high blood pressure for instance?
Hi, Fallone. So glad you decided to join us here on the BoneSmart forum. I see our forum nurse, Josephine, has provided a response and asked you some questions. She has TONS of experience in orthopedics and will be a great resource for your questions.

Hope to hear more from you!
Hi Fallone,
and Welcome. I had both hips replaced, one in May and the other in July. Although both recent, I must say, that is one place I never had any pain. I am still going through recupe, am fairly active but have not had pain as you describe.
When I overdo it, I may get pain in my right knee, a kind of burning in my thigh bones, and a feeling of pressure on the inside of my thigh around the groin area, not necessarily all at the same time. It is nothing I can't handle and goes away when I ease up and behave myself by resting.
Worldlywise Jo asked you some good questions and I am sure she will be able to get you squared away.
Good luck and let us know how things go, as I myself am very interested to know.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
I am just learning how to use this forum and am sorry I didnot get in touch with you sooner. I am prett active and do things I am probably not supposed to do( like lift heavy furniture and push shelves around huge rooms). The pain is in the front of my thighs and I just got back to Josephine with more information. I hope she could shed some light on things for me.
Fallone lol if you shouldn't do it dont maybe that would help a lil......Im so sorry you still have pain.......Geez i hope she can to.......dont stay away post, we can all try to help you. atleast support you.we have all been thru it one way or the other.......Hang in there i hope Jo can help you.........)
Fallone Welcome. I have my right hip replaced. I hope Jo can help you with your pain. She is wonderful and knows just about everything.
The pain I have is inside of my thigh bones. I experience it when i do leg lifts repetiiiiiiiiiiitively or make sudden turning moves. I almost want to say that the implant is rubbing against the bone in a way, but I do not know what it actually is. The good news is that the blinding pain that I used to have in my hips is totally gone.

My surgeon used what he called "the largest" implants on me and seemed to think this was to my advantage. I wonder sometimes if the size implant might have had something to do with the sensations I am getting now.
Fallone, if the pain really bothers you, go talk to your surgeon about it and have things checked out. But it sounds like you are experiencing soft tissue pain to me....probably an indication that you are trying to do too much all at once. You have to build up those muscles gradually and then work consistently to keep them strong.
I thnk you are onto something when you say it might be soft tissue pain. My hips do not hurt at all. My surgeon examined the implants and told me they are perfect.
Hey Fallone wondering if you had any luck...I dont like to hear you are still in pain....i think the Dr needs to find out whats wrong......You cant stay in pain like that. You didnt go thru all this for pain......I know you are still hurting so I brought the thread up again see if anyone has any new ideas....Im sorry, I hope you feel better soon...........
I have stsrted walking better now and I do not know why. Maybe it is from just talking to you guys and my limp even has improved a great deal i am very happy. Nina
It's your muscles - if you don't get them toned up you're likely to suffer these kinds of pains. You wouldn't get the exact same problems show up in both hips at the same time - it's not logical.
Josephine, you are something else! I think you are right. The pain is not in my hips, but deep insie the muscles. I have started walking more and even lost some weight and I feel much bette. Hhowever, I must tell you that at times right where the top of the thigh bone meets my hip I feel distress. It's almost as if the implant is rubbingor something. Am I imagining this?:cry:
Not imagining the symptom, just that your imagination is inventing a reason for it. It's most unlikely you'd be that aware of the implants. But when did you last see your surgeon? I still think this is most likely muscular. Perhaps a good chiropractor could have a look at you and help? The only thing I can think of.
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