Hi Fallone,
and Welcome. I had both hips replaced, one in May and the other in July. Although both recent, I must say, that is one place I never had any pain. I am still going through recupe, am fairly active but have not had pain as you describe.
When I overdo it, I may get pain in my right knee, a kind of burning in my thigh bones, and a feeling of pressure on the inside of my thigh around the groin area, not necessarily all at the same time. It is nothing I can't handle and goes away when I ease up and behave myself by resting.
Worldlywise Jo asked you some good questions and I am sure she will be able to get you squared away.
Good luck and let us know how things go, as I myself am very interested to know.
LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09