Two days and out the door

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junior member
Feb 28, 2009
United States
Well, after a couple false starts I finally had my LTKR on Monday and was out the door on Wed. Walking without crutches or walker. So far my LTKR is less painful than a scope. Anyway it is far better than expected, even walked down and fed the horses. Hope my RTKR goes as well.

Can't complain.
Hooray for you, GRC!!!! This is GREAT news. Hope the fast recovery continues. Keep us up to date. When is your RTKR planned for? Soon??
Welcome GR!!!! Sounds like you're really
Doing a splendid job! Keep up the great
Work!!!! :)
You may be doing ads for knee replacement if you keep this up. I'm glad to hear it was less painful than a scope as I sit here recovering from one.
Good Luck to you for continued amazing recovery

I am scheduled for the RTKR on 13 Apr. I have to say I am very pleased with the results so far on my LTKR, but then maybe I was just expecting something a lot worse. Read too many stories.

I am doing the exercises and some do hurt a little. I can see how a person could fall behind but I am sure my wife is not going to let that happen. Really helps to have someone push you.

Take Care and for all those people out there expecting the worst, this has not been difficult or even painful but I have not missed a pain pill.....


Way to go CRG. Wish I had experienced that kind of recovery. Don't over do it though it may come back and kick you in the A**@ LOL
Wow CRG,
That is great, It sounds like nothing was cut. You are so lucky!! I hope that you sail through the Right one too. All I can say is WOW

I am scheduled for the RTKR on 13 Apr. I have to say I am very pleased with the results so far on my LTKR, but then maybe I was just expecting something a lot worse. Read too many stories.

I am doing the exercises and some do hurt a little. I can see how a person could fall behind but I am sure my wife is not going to let that happen. Really helps to have someone push you.

Take Care and for all those people out there expecting the worst, this has not been difficult or even painful but I have not missed a pain pill.....



You have a GREAT attitude and that counts for a lot. Hope your second surgery in April is as smooth as this one. Keep us posted!!
GRC! ***** and ALWAYS listen to your
Wife!!!!! :)

I have to say my wife has been great, I doubt I would have done the routine as I am without her help. Makes a big difference to have help. I also think it helps to have one good knee and leg for support. I've thought it would be very difficult to do both knees at once, at least a lot more pain.

More positive than ever at this point, I actually believe there is a better life down the road after these surgeries, probably didn't feel that way before the surgery.

Hang in there,
Was your surgery a full TKR or minimally invasive? I had both kness done last year (separated by 6 mos) and I have to admit, I have never heard of such a rapid recovery.

I had a TKR of my left knee. I know there is pain when my meds wear off other than that and a fair amount of swelling I can't say there has been anything unusual. My rotation is 110'/115', I make sure I do all my exercises and I it can be painful, elevate while sleeping and use the ice water pump when sitting around.

If it were not for the drug effects of being sleepy I believe I could go back to work (office). I have ridden my ATV and walked around my property, feed the horses, pick up the paper and mail etc..

I did call my Dr office this morning to see if I could get in a week or two early for my right knee, I am on the cancelation list if time allows.

I think the secret is exercise, pain management, sleep and ice for swelling, and thoughts of being normal again. I'm adding to my bucket list...
GRC, so happy to hear how well you're doing in recovery. Your "secret" is right on target!!! Keep doing what you're doing and soon enough you'll be checking off things on that long bucket list!
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