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Trying to walk too soon

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Dec 21, 2008
United States
Two weeks after tkr I tried to walk from the kitchen to the living room. Big mistake. Pain in the calf muscle (not the knee) was excruciating. After this, I have been unable to put weight on my foot and toes or leg. I can feel knots in the calf muscle. What have I done and what should I do?
Boy, Bruce, I don't know what to tell you. At two weeks post op I was walking without assistance and I had both knees done at the same. My question is why didn't the doctor have you up and moving around the day after your surgery. I needed a walker but up and going I was. I thought getting you up and moving was pretty standard practice. Were there some extenuating circumstances you haven't mentioned. Are you going to physical therapy? Riding the stationary bike? I will look forward to hearing back from you. Oh, and before I forget, welcome to the forum. Best place you could have come to. Good luck, Rowdy
"pain in the calf muscle"

Are you sure you don't have a blood clout? that is the location he hospital staff most warned me about; I'd immediately get it checked!!!
First, make sure you do NOT have a clot.
Second, if you aren't getting PT, tell your OS you want it, but first call different PT clinics until you find one that does muscle releases/deep massage. It really helps--things can knot up in there! Walking really shouldn't be such a problem.
I agree with Mudpro about the clot possibility. This is an emergency situation. I hope you have recieved info on blood clots, you do need to go to an ER if this is even a remote possibility. Let us know
Cramps in the calf aren't uncommon. I'd get you PT to massage the muscle to help it relax. But first I'd get it cleared of any possibility of thrombosis.
Thanks for your concern. First, I was walking, but with a walker. I tried to walk on my own with nothing to hold on to. That brought on the pain that set me back. I went to the os and he ordered an ultrasound, so I know there is no bloodclot. My PT is working with me to stretch the muscle.

I am extremely pain intolerant due to the pain meds I took to be able to work (as a floor installer) for the two years prior to the surgery. This complicated things for me because I am finding out that medication that works for most people does not phase my pain. This also makes PT more dfficult because if I am too aggressive, the pain level goes through the roof and is unbearable.
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