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Trouble with pedaling at PT

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The Schwinn was regular stationary bike. Had some cool electronics, but I didn't look at it long.. my leg was starting to ache.
Don['t be upset. I'm at 10 weeks post-op and still can't get all the way around on the bike! Sure glad my PT doesn't push my leg to get around. He just says good job when I get it up as far as I can pushing myself.
That makes me feel better Barb, not being the only one who can't get all the way around. What ROM are you? My PT is also very encourageing when I do what I can. She put me on the treadmill yesterday for the first time, I did 5 mins, she would have been hapy for 3 or 5. This afternoon I walked to my local corner store for milk, with a walker with a seat in case, I counted the steps, 2,000. I came home elevated and iced, and now it is as stiff as anything. I was pleased with myself before that. Oh well, I'm sure it will go away soon.
Just think, when all the snow melts, you'll be out jogging..I found the central Fla. weather great this past weekend.
Just keep up the work and I'll bet you surprise yourself one of these days.
The stationary bike was very hard for me and it took me almost 12 weeks before I could pedal all the way around. The pain was horrible and I screamed out in pain the first couple times. Then the next session my 'mind' said "no way, can't do it!" and that set me back again so I had to go through the horrible pain again. Then I got a stationary bike at home and worked at it so when I went to PT I could do it and the therapist was so proud of me, so then I felt proud. Everyone told me I had to work through the pain, but I was so scared I almost made myself sick. Hang in there and you'll get passed it and be riding that bike in no time. You should have seen me on my regular bike the first summer, I didn't know how to get on and off the right way and almost fell over many times.
If you are on a stationary nary bike, be darned careful if they have those toe straps on the pedals. They've about tripped me up several times. I now take them off before I get on.
"rocking" means you don't try to go all the way around when you pedal. Just pedal in one direction as far as it is comfortable, then reverse and go the other direction. You should apply gentle pressure to extend your ROM in each direction. You just keep doing that back and forth and one of these days you will surprise yourself (and probably scare yourself! It did me!) by going all the way around the cycle. It is scary to go again, but once you get around then you can continue and you are on your way! Most people find it is easier to go "all the way" in reverse. Not sure why.

Good luck! It is a great way to improve your ROM!
Hello Sue!
Nice to know you are on now too! I am fresh out of the hot tub with both knees wrapped in ice and heating pad on my back and a cat trying to sit on my laptop. She is wanting some "cuddle time".
Another week done! Ready for a weekend and some rest to get ready for another busy week next week.
I try to get online every day but it is hard to keep up with all of you!
I agree!!! That process worked very well for me and it continues to help even once I got around. Today I was surprised that scar tissue had built up since YESTERDAY!!! It hurt like crazy for the first few turns -- something that was easy yesterday. But after a few turns and lots of yelping (love that word!), it was once again easy. I hate to think how that stuff could build up quickly if you didn't keep after it!
Know what you mean Carolyn, it takes hours to catch up sometimes. Glad you survived another week.

I went for massage therapy this afternoon for Lymphatic Drainage. It was very soothing at the time. However, when I got home I had the most aching pains I have had since the surgery. I had to elevate, couldn't bear ice this time, so used soothing heat for a while and took my percs. It all worked nicely, but I am very stiff still. I think the swelling is down a little. The pocket of fluid on the right side (of right knee) seems to have subsided for the first time ver. I will wait and see tomorrow though to see if it comes back. Maybe it worked though? She gave me more homework to do too. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the suggestion in the first place. Kevin will still continue to copy the ones you sent through.

Have a great weekend. Are you going to the beach tomorrow? It is supposed to be warm and sunny here tomorrow, 10 degrees I think. We had rain and snow today. A lot of the snow has gone, but tomorrrow we need to dig a path to the back f the garage and to the Bar B Q. There is still about 3 feet there, the sun doesn't get there this time of year until late afternoon.
I just finished 10 weeks post-op and just got around the whole way on the
bike for the first time. I was beginning to think something was wrong with
me when others said you should be able to at 3 weeks. Hang in there. It
will happen when your knee is ready.
Barb--- one thing I have learned here--- there is no such thing as "should"! We all have different situations and all heal and progress at our own rates. Just keep at it and you will progress. Congrats!
Barb...good job and congrats to you! As you may have read on my first post--I had a really hard time getting around but I made sure that I kept at it! What really helped was the little "thingy" with just the pedals on it (sort of a 1/4 of a bike). You can use it to peddle to stregnthen your legs and also your arms..Got it at WalMart for less than $20.00
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