I am 4 weeks post surgery and last week was the first my PT put me on the stationary bike. Just rocking back and forth the first 2 times (I go 3 times a week) the second time I had a new person, experienced who stood by me and just made simple relaxing conversation, she also advised to move my seat back a bit. I was talking to her, relaxed just taking it easy, not trying to pedal the whole way around and I did it! Just on my own, no problem. The next time I went in (2 days later) I had a different therapist and she insisted the seat was back far enough. So I rocked it and she walked away and I just rocked. Monday when I go back, I will adjust the seat to the point where I feel I can work up to it and I will start rocking and relaxed I will go the whole way around on my own. Hopefully finding the caring PT. Then I will start moving my seat up a bit until I can handle more pressure. For me, I would rather take a bit longer and work up to things as to be set back by over anxious PT. I know all about no pain no gain, but it depends on each individual. I think we have to take charge of our own bodies. You must do the therapy, you must be aggressive, but I still want to be in charge of my own body. There is pain that needs to occur, but I believe also that there is pain that does not. I personally benefit much more and have gotten my knee up to 102 degrees more by the things I do at home. Don't give up, but perhaps try a different approach.