total knee was put in misaligned

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new member
Aug 31, 2008
United States
Just wondering if anyone has dealt with the prosthesis being put in crooked or misaligned. I have been having severe pain and major clunking and catching and weakness after tka....4 months post op. I was sent to get a second opinion and was told the prosthesis was 10 degree off which is causing my complications. I am very upset as there is a strong chance I will have to have a revision, but my doc won't do it until after one year and is hoping if I get my ham strings and quads as strong as possible I might be able to salvage my knee....that salvage word scared me. FYI- I am very young to have had this procedure done and was hoping by this time my quality of life would be on the upside. I am kind of mad at my original doctor as I don't think he paid attention to my circumstances. The doc I was referred to I really like and I think he knows his stuff. Just wondering if anyone has dealt with this???
So sorry to hear of the difficulty you are having. Makes me feel extremely grateful I was able to get so many different positive remarks about my OS. I was so afraid I would get someone who would do a bum job, I literally spent months deciding who was the best OS. Still I think it is a matter of luck. Even the best surgeons have bad days and make mistakes, there are just no guarantees. I am glad you found this forum, it was a real life saver for me and many others. Will keep you in my prayers. Rowdy
Just goes to prove what I've always said - the surgeon is much, much more important than anything else.

I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Please make sure you find a surgeon who is a proper knee surgeon - not less than 500 knees per year, more if possible - and work hard to get your muscles in as good shape as you possible can.
I would suggest that who ever does the next one uses computer assisted surgery as this will help ensure the alignment is correct. I have had 9 previous surgeries to realign my knees and my OS said there was no way the BkTR would have been possible without the use of the computer. I was awake during the BTKR and was able to watch the computer screen as it drew the knee and indicated where the cuts were to be made etc. It was a very interesting experience.

Hope you find the right surgeon to fix things.

Good suggestion, Simon - except that, world wide, there are very few surgeons who are competent to use the Robotics system. Be sure you get one who is!

We might be talking about different things. Robotics to me is that the surgeon is not in totally control of things ie using robot to do things.

What I am talking about is systems were the surgeons puts markers on several spots on the leg and these are infrared markers that the computer picks up and uses them to draw the knee on the screen and indicates where cuts should be made. The surgeon does all the work, this just helps him know the best way to get the implant in and aligned. Many doctors here use these systems.

Hopes this clear things up.

Yep, that's what the medical profession calls 'robotics'.
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