Torn calf muscle during surgery?

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new member
Nov 8, 2009
I am 9 weeks post op from partial knee replacement and not doing as well as I anticipated. I am having on-going stiffness and swelling but the bigger frustration is my calf muscle and hamstrings. They are tighter than when I went into hospital! The first day up after the surgery I could not put my heel down. This is apparently not too common and I figured "they shortened my leg!". The nurses passed it off as the tensor bandage being too tight. When the physio tried to raise my leg for my first exercise session I nearly clobbered her it was so painful. Of course, they immediately thought DVT. Off to ultra-sound and no going home. No DVT, just a lot of internal swelling and the tech couldn't see anything; calf muscle extremely sore and no one could touch it. Finally see surgeon at 2 weeks to get staples out, again, off to ultra-sound. He couldn't figure out why I was having so many problems with it; I tried to make him own up to what happened in surgery but no one was talking.New ultra-sound shows tear!! Hello!! Normal physio exercises that I had been doing all along were not quite right with this tear.

I am doing okay but the stiffness and swelling is still there and I am frustrated.For some reason I thought I would feel like I did before the arthritis got bad. I read some of the threads of those of you who have had swelling even after several months so it was encouraging to see that I am not the only one; apparently my expectations may be a little high. I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced this calf problem as my physio said she had never heard of it before. Thank's for taking the time to read through my rant!
I have not had a problem with my calf but as far as swelling and stiffness in my that's another story. I am about 12 weeks out of surgery and called my doctor the other day and suggested we try an anti-inflammatory to help the swelling. He put me on far no difference. However, everyone I know who had this surgery (and my surgeon) said swelling can last up to 6 months. I almost fainted the first time someone told me I just work around the pain and swelling...keep exercising...and figure one day all will be good. Good luck to you.:thmb:
Hi, gorbalslass....welcome to BoneSmart. We're so glad you decided to join the forum.

I am sorry to hear you are having so much pain in recovery. And a torn calf muscle!!! That is REALLY painful. At least you now have a proper diagnosis.

We have had a couple of folks on the forum who experienced a torn calf muscle following knee surgery. It is my understanding that (depending on the tear) it can take a while to heal. So be easy on yourself and allow time to make things right again.

It's true that many people (me included) have swelling well into recovery. In my case, a lot of activity will bring it on. Taking an anti-inflammant gets rid of it though. If you are not on an anti-inflammant, you might speak to your doctor about taking one. You would take it on a schedule all throughout the day and night as long as you still experience the swelling.

Are you still icing and elevating? That is really important --- as much as you can each day. It will help with the swelling.

Please continue to let us know how you are getting along....we care about you!!
Hi there I did have a torn calf muscle and boy i feel for you, very painfull . Just take your medicine and stay off it.I had one of those Dr's not owning up very frustrating,,,,,,I realized i wouldnt get my answers and moved on to one that would much better when you need to we are all here for ya............take care...........)
Thank you all!! It is encouraging to know that I am not alone. I am on Celebrex and have been for many years, actually. It doesn't help a huge amount but if I don't take it ( I have experimented) I feel like concrete has set in! I did go back to work at the 7 week point - only part time - but I am thinking that maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Can't elevate very well there! Ice is definitely my friend and I have several packs in the freezer at work. I do need the days in between to rest and recover so that I can go back the next. I felt like I was being a wimp staying home too long since my physio said they were pretty much done with me after 6 weeks. Didn't mention that I should stay off the calf and I was so focused on my knee, that it didn't occur to me to ask. Guess I should find another physio? Because my calf is so tight my hamstrings are not allowing me to do some of the exercises I am supposed to be doing for my knee - at least not without pain.. Patience is not one of my virtues but I appreciate what you folks have said and again, I thank you for being here. I will keep you posted.

RKR 08-25-09

Yes you should 6 weeks is early i couldnt have done it...........take your time relax if you have to go back im glad its P/T.........Patients i never did like that word but its in our vocabulary now your chin up it gets better just takes time.........) post anytime..........
Welcome Gorbals! OUCH!!!!! Hope you feel better!!! (:)0_
Back to work at 7 weeks? Boy you ladies do like to punish yourselves! Much, much too soon. No wonder you're having excess swelling and pain.
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