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Too much . . . Too soon?

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junior member
Jun 25, 2008
Texas - DFW Area
In 2 days I will be 7 weeks post op from my BTKR. Been doing so good; ROM at 130 in both knees as well as straight to zero. No pain while walking. PT reported all this to my OS and I was officially released from PT and told to come back to see my OS in 2 months. No pain meds for about a week. The past 3 days I've been walking 1/2 mile each morning, followed by some shopping, house cleaning, cooking . . . etc. Then this afternoon, WHAM! My right knee (which was the worst of the two) started aching deep inside. My legs hurt, my ankles hurt, my feet hurt!!! Alittle swelling so I am elevating and icing. I'm really bummed out; feel like I just took a giant step backwards!

Nancy, it sounds like you are having a fantastic recovery overall...I mean fantastic.
I'm at 7 months. As time passes, you will have more good days but the knee will tell you when you've over done it. And it does sound like it caught up with you. The problem is, there is no knee alarm to sound off and tell you "whoa". It just slam you.
Keep icing it down and pop a couple of NSAIDS.
With your great ROM, it's o.k. to take a day off every now and then and just let the joint rest a little bit.

You are doing GREAT! I am 8 weeks post op and within the last week experimented with going off Aleve and it was very doable. I am so excited too about how much I can do (and I only had one knee done) that occasionally I overdo it and have to take it easy a day or two to catch back up. But doesn't it feel great to be able to do these things again?

Congratulations on your awesome recovery!!

Nwj: Don't Be Discouraged And Don't Feel As Though You Have Taken A Step Of Any Size Backwards. I Had A Btkr On May 13 And My Recovery Has Been Very Fast Just Like Yours. Aren't We The Lucky Ones? Seriously!!! But There Are Days Sometimes A Few In A Row When I Have Done Too Much That I Feel The Old Aches Come Back But As Quickly As They Come They Go So Don't Feel Like You Are The Only One. A Couple Of Weeks Ago I Took The Riser Off The John And Thought I Had Done Myself In I Hurt So Bad, Put It Back On And In A Couple Of Days Was Back To Feeling Fine. You Have To Remember We Had A Really Serious Surgery Just A Short Time Ago And Have Done Really Well To Be Able To Do All We Do. We Are However Only Human And We Are Going To Have Some Pain. I Read This Forum Almost Daily And Some Of The Folks Are Younger Than I Am And Have Not Had As Speedy A Recovery Though They Don't Give Up And Just Keep Working At It So Overall I Feel So Fortunate. You Will, I Bet, Find A Couple Of Days Rest Is All You Are Going To Need To Be Back To Doing All You Love To Do. Just Don't Be Surprised When You Have Days When The Old Aches Return, It Is Just Our Bodies Telling Us We Overdid It. Rowdy
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