what simply amazes me, and continues to do so, is that there is absolutely NO knee pain when I walk. You know what I'm talking about. The pre-surgery "simply walking" pain that you have learned to live with. That pain is GONE. There is the muscular and incisional pain, of course, but that will go away with time and work, but the bone pain is gone. It's such a FREEING feeling. I can't describe it.
Those of you who are still waiting and are anxious, there's nothing anyone can say that will make you less anxious, I know. I've been there. But right now I'm not even a week out and would go have the left knee done without hesitation should it come to it.
I must wrap this session up, the Percoset is starting to settle in. I'm trying to wean back on them when I can, taking only a half dose if I don't anticipate doing anything big in the next 3-4 hours.
Oh, and the stool softeners? They read them off on my discharge medication list, but didn't GIVE me any, so...*gulp* I'm putting BeneFiber into everything I drink until I can get hold of my doctor! LOL