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Tomorrow is a Big Day

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Mar 2, 2009
United States
I am somewhat anxious about tomorrow. First of all, I am returning to work. I am 8 1/2 weeks post-op and the new school year starts tomorrow. The first three days will be filled with professional development and opening day preparation and then the students arrive on Thursday. My pt says I am ready but I wish I walked better. I am still very stiff-legged and have little stamina.

My doctor also says I am ready to go as long as I do not take on any extra work and try to leave my job at school. This is easier said than done with lesson plans and grading that is mostly done at home. I will do the best I can to follow her instructions.

When school gets out tomorrow I am going to meet a new pt. I have had at-home pt since coming home from the rehabilitation hospital. I will be going to a new out-patient facility tomorrow that is on my way home from work. I am hoping that this pt is a good one for me.

Wish me luck!
I hope that everything goes smoothly for you this week as School starts.
You are going to have to go at it slowly for awhile!!! And your New out patient
PT should have you walking the way you want in no time!!!!!
I will say a little prayer for you and a big one on Thursday!!!
You'll be in my prayers for tomorrow.....hope it goes well. Just keep telling yourself to take it easy constantly. Others will see you as "totally well" and it's up to you to be assertive about your need for rest and no additional least for the first few weeks.

It's a good sign that both your doctor and PT think you're ready. You'll be tired for a while, but you can do it!!!
Good luck going back to school and getting in a routine again. If necessary set yourself up a place to sit if necessary (behind your desk, in a chair on the side of the room with a stool to elevate your knee). You will be exhausted the first week or two and then find yourself getting over the hump around 10-12 weeks and things feel way better!
It will be tough...but you can do it. Take some icepaks and prop that knee as you can. Good luck!
Hi ---it probably will be tiring---sounds like a lot of folks made it through the early weeks with ice packs and elevation. Please take care. Remember rest is VERY important--pace yourself. Regards. Nancy
I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Just promise all of us, you will take it easy. After you meet with your new PT, please go home, rest, elevate and ice!!! You will be in my prayers.

BTKR 7/20/09
Just PACE yourself and you will be fine! Good Luck! ((:0)
How was your first day back to work? Hope everything went well. You are probably in bed sleeping now...Long day I'm sure.

Remember to ice and elevate and get lots of rest tonight!

BTKR 7/20/09
Hello Everyone!

I have made it through the first three days of work and I am exhausted - and the students haven't started yet. They come tomorrow.

I saw my OS today and he thinks I am doing fine but has warned me not to overdo it at work. That is my third warning. I have already been told this by my primary physician, my physiatrist, and my physical therapist. I am fortunate that I also heard the same thing from my Superintendent of Schools so I might actually listen.

Thank you for all of your warm thoughts and supportive comments.
Hey big red Im glad so far so good. You tell those kids be careful with you or they have to deal with care............)
Aww Red take it easy. I kept my youngest grandson on Monday
as his school did not start until Tuesday. His dad and mom are teachers and theirs started on Mon.

I had to laugh at both of them when they got here to pick up grandson. They were exhausted.

So you take it easy.
You bettter go to sleep EARLY, RED!! Hope it's easier for you tomorrow!!:thmb::thmb::thmb::thmb:
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