I think some of this depends on your flexibility before THP. I am generally "tight muscled". I did work on flexibility through stretching over the last ten years or so. I sat on steps or something like that to prop (force) one foot up to cut my toenails. This was before the operation (maximally invasive, cut some muscle etc). In any case, at six weeks I could finally put my sock on without the sock helper. Then I started to do some serious stretching again. I am pleased to say that I am more flexible now and can cut my nails (again by sitting on something like a step) and it is easier now. I think that my hip muscles were very very tight over 30 years of pain that only now am I being able to stretch them well. I believe that I will be able to trim them even more easily in the future, after more stretching. (My operation was Jan 16). Good luck.