As someone who has just had the second TKR completed 3 weeks ago, I would advise you to get it done.
My first RTKR was a nightmare, I had many complications with medications and by 4 weeks post-op had torn the meniscus in the left knee. As time went on the left knee continued to deteriorate and collapse until I was unable to walk without a total knee stabilizer and still it would go out. The decision for me was a no brainer. I could not benefit or continue to heal on the first one until I had the second one done as well.
The second one has been a dream. Pt is still a lot of hard work, but it's worth it. By 1 1/2 weeks post op I was walking unassisted. I was released from home therapy at 17 days post-op. Several weeks ahead of schedule. I am now going to outpatient therapy for strengthening and stamina training and having good and bad days. Do I regret having the LTKR done...not for one minute. It has been a blessing!
My thoughts on the benefits of having the second TKR.
1. You have experience and know what to expect. What is acceptable and what is not.
2. You already know what to do, you just get a refresher course and get it done.
3. You know your pain levels and have a better handle on managing your pain instead of it managing you.
4. You have wisdom with what worked and what didn't and can address those issues with your OS and PT.
5. You already have all the gadgets at home to keep you comfortable and help during recovery.
6. You have probably already met your maximum out of pocket expenses, so it's a buy one get one free deal! :D
7. You are familiar with the CPM, PT exercises and have a great advantage as you can do alot of it yourself.
8. You can rearrange your furniture to move your left side of the bed closest to the bathroom, so you won't need a bedside commode this round.
9. Since it's your left leg, you can drive sooner.
10. The pain isn't going to get better, only worse. With the TKR it does get much better and you can live pain free and a life to the fullest!
Just my thoughts and reasons why I think you should get it done this year, as soon as possible.