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To do or not to do....the other knee

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junior member
Aug 9, 2009
United States
hi all
I am just over 6 weeks post op from LTKR. The right knee needs to be done as well and we are looking at Feb. I think the surgery and recovery have gone well. But even so, I could not believe how much this surgery took out of me, and I am not sure I can face the thought of another one. Have any of you done only one knee and been ok with that?

It does take alot out of you but once you have to new knees just think of what you can do...........And you wont have to worry anymore.i think i would get them done and get it over with........good luck to you............)
I had my right knee done on March 27. I did ok really I guess well. But it has taken a toll on me. I still have some pain not enough to take meds. But I am not where I had hoped I would be and it has been 6 months. I know I am ahead of a lot but I just have a lot of expectations and I have not achieved them.

My OS said I need a pkr or maybe a tkr on my left knee. I told him
No. This one was enough for me. I will put up with the pain.

Maybe on down the road I will do it. But not at this time. I am just not having that much pain in the left knee and feel I can handle it. I am not ready to go through this again.

Don't get me wrong, I am very glad I had the right knee done as I could hardly get around on it. But the left is just pain and I can deal with that.

The decision is in the long one going to be how the other knee effects your life. Can you still do what you want or are you limited.

I can still do what I want.

Good luck with what ever you decide.
I had the second knee done 9 weeks after the first. There were days when I wondered if I was doing the right thing, but then I remembered that I just wanted to get through it to the other side. Looking back, I would do both again within weeks of each other. Time passes as does the pain. Today I can do just about anything (except jogging you ever see anyone run with a smile on their face anyway?). YES, I would do it all over again. The only thing I would change is to do both sooner rather than later.
I had my LTKR on May 13---and my right knee is actually alot better. There is no way that I need a tkr on that knee--the pain is less and the knee is really doing well. There is no way that I would go through that surgery again--there would have to be ALOT more pain.
I went through so much with my RTKR and then my left knee started really hurting and I was advised to have a LTRK. I figured if I did NOT do the LTKR, then all the pain and work I went through with my RTKR would be for naught. I couldn't do that to myself.
As someone who has just had the second TKR completed 3 weeks ago, I would advise you to get it done.

My first RTKR was a nightmare, I had many complications with medications and by 4 weeks post-op had torn the meniscus in the left knee. As time went on the left knee continued to deteriorate and collapse until I was unable to walk without a total knee stabilizer and still it would go out. The decision for me was a no brainer. I could not benefit or continue to heal on the first one until I had the second one done as well.

The second one has been a dream. Pt is still a lot of hard work, but it's worth it. By 1 1/2 weeks post op I was walking unassisted. I was released from home therapy at 17 days post-op. Several weeks ahead of schedule. I am now going to outpatient therapy for strengthening and stamina training and having good and bad days. Do I regret having the LTKR done...not for one minute. It has been a blessing!

My thoughts on the benefits of having the second TKR.
1. You have experience and know what to expect. What is acceptable and what is not.
2. You already know what to do, you just get a refresher course and get it done.
3. You know your pain levels and have a better handle on managing your pain instead of it managing you.
4. You have wisdom with what worked and what didn't and can address those issues with your OS and PT.
5. You already have all the gadgets at home to keep you comfortable and help during recovery.
6. You have probably already met your maximum out of pocket expenses, so it's a buy one get one free deal! :D
7. You are familiar with the CPM, PT exercises and have a great advantage as you can do alot of it yourself.
8. You can rearrange your furniture to move your left side of the bed closest to the bathroom, so you won't need a bedside commode this round.
9. Since it's your left leg, you can drive sooner.
10. The pain isn't going to get better, only worse. With the TKR it does get much better and you can live pain free and a life to the fullest!

Just my thoughts and reasons why I think you should get it done this year, as soon as possible.

Well, I like what Rose said - all very true. But it's your call, of course. I can guarantee, however, that when the pain gets bad enough you won't bother asking this question!
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