Aww bless you
@beralc, reading your posts really brings back that first week. I’m now at 4 months and the change has been amazing, hang on in there things will get better. I’m obviously not fully recovered but so much better than before. I’m in the U.K. too (Herts).
My home situation was difficult as hubby has dementia, so he went into respite care and I went to my sisters for 3 weeks to start my recovery. Being away from home meant my anxiety levels were pretty high and there was a lot of crying, and shivering, and my appetite was almost nil, despite my brother in laws wonderful cooking! As soon as I could do the stairs I went home and hubby came home a week later. Then I could feel myself start to relax and my appetite returned. I had lost a stone!
I do find my right foot does tip to the right still when laying on the bed but much better than it was so it is improving. OS noticed it but wasn’t too concerned. I also had a strange sudden pain at week 3-4 whilst descending the stairs. No idea why but I rested 2 days, no exercises and it passed. You will have ups and downs throughout your recovery, it’s all quite normal, and I love Layla’s recovery map, so true! I’ll try and upload it now.