I had a left total knee replacement on November 8th. It was at an ambulatory surgical center. I arrived at 5:45. I was in surgery by 7:00 AM and home at 2:00 PM.
A little history of my knee. I tore my ACL and had reconstructive surgery in 1987. It held up all these years but with a torn MCL on top of that was never addressed and removal of cartilage throughout the years, I finally had to make a decision to have a TKR done because of the debilitating arthritis, bone spurs and scar tissue.
I went to a few different doctors who all agreed I need surgery but cautioned me to wait due to my age and the probability I may need to replace it again in 15 years. I also have a job that would be very difficult to take a long time off of, so I scheduled it on a Friday of a holiday weekend and as of November 25th I am at back at work (desk job).
I left the surgical center with a CPM, Ice Machine and Thrombosis Cuffs and some paperwork. I previously picked up my medication and most notable was oxycodone. I was able to walk out with a walker. Very hard getting into the car and immediately went to bed. My thigh was very swollen as well as knee and calves. I stuck to the medication regiment and CPM and Cuffs and iced as much as I could. I removed the bandaging and waited for the impatient P/T to call.
I decided to book an outpatient P/T and started 3 days after surgery. I will admit it was VERY tough, but I felt good when I left. I had no control of the left leg at this point. I couldn't lift it and minimal bending. I returned 2 days later and was off the walker and had a cane. The stim seemed to help get my usage back pretty quickly.
I only took the oxycodone at night, and I was not able to get comfortable and sleep at all. As of today, I still struggle with sleep. I am off the oxycodone because of work and the constipation has ended. My worst night was about the 6th night when I think the nerve blockers from surgery wore off. I had horrible shooting pains. That has not happened again.
I went to the doctor 12 days after surgery. The incision was healing great. They put steri-strips on and I am at 110 degrees flexion. He told me I had numerous bone spurs on the back of the knee that were hard to get to, so I may be a little swollen for a longer period of time but eliminating them will make a world of difference. I will see him again in January for a follow up.
As of today, I have no cane. I walk about a mile a day on and off. I only take one pill for swelling and aspirin plus Tylenol for pain (which doesn't do much). The pain is tolerable but uncomfortable. Now that I am off the oxycodone, I have been taking a natural melatonin to help with sleep, but I am very uncomfortable more or less rather than in paid. I found if I raise my leg super high on pillows and wrap it the pain is minimal, but I have a tendency to want to sleep on my side. Not much of a back sleeper.
I do P/T in person twice a week and have an app from the P/T tech where it has home exercises similar to what I do at P/T. So basically, doing P/T everyday with CPM and icing. The only controversial thing I do is I feel great after a warm bath. I know heat is a no-no but the rest of my body is so sore, and a warm bath loosens the muscles, and I feel great afterward. My incision is fine no swelling or signs of infection.
Finishing up my week 3 now and my doctor said week 4 is the biggest turning point and I will notice a huge difference. I am scheduled to continue outpatient P/T until mid-December where they will evaluate my progress. I was told I made a good decision to start outpatient P/T right away. Not saying it's for everyone but it benefitted me so far.
I will update my progress in a few weeks.
A little history of my knee. I tore my ACL and had reconstructive surgery in 1987. It held up all these years but with a torn MCL on top of that was never addressed and removal of cartilage throughout the years, I finally had to make a decision to have a TKR done because of the debilitating arthritis, bone spurs and scar tissue.
I went to a few different doctors who all agreed I need surgery but cautioned me to wait due to my age and the probability I may need to replace it again in 15 years. I also have a job that would be very difficult to take a long time off of, so I scheduled it on a Friday of a holiday weekend and as of November 25th I am at back at work (desk job).
I left the surgical center with a CPM, Ice Machine and Thrombosis Cuffs and some paperwork. I previously picked up my medication and most notable was oxycodone. I was able to walk out with a walker. Very hard getting into the car and immediately went to bed. My thigh was very swollen as well as knee and calves. I stuck to the medication regiment and CPM and Cuffs and iced as much as I could. I removed the bandaging and waited for the impatient P/T to call.
I decided to book an outpatient P/T and started 3 days after surgery. I will admit it was VERY tough, but I felt good when I left. I had no control of the left leg at this point. I couldn't lift it and minimal bending. I returned 2 days later and was off the walker and had a cane. The stim seemed to help get my usage back pretty quickly.
I only took the oxycodone at night, and I was not able to get comfortable and sleep at all. As of today, I still struggle with sleep. I am off the oxycodone because of work and the constipation has ended. My worst night was about the 6th night when I think the nerve blockers from surgery wore off. I had horrible shooting pains. That has not happened again.
I went to the doctor 12 days after surgery. The incision was healing great. They put steri-strips on and I am at 110 degrees flexion. He told me I had numerous bone spurs on the back of the knee that were hard to get to, so I may be a little swollen for a longer period of time but eliminating them will make a world of difference. I will see him again in January for a follow up.
As of today, I have no cane. I walk about a mile a day on and off. I only take one pill for swelling and aspirin plus Tylenol for pain (which doesn't do much). The pain is tolerable but uncomfortable. Now that I am off the oxycodone, I have been taking a natural melatonin to help with sleep, but I am very uncomfortable more or less rather than in paid. I found if I raise my leg super high on pillows and wrap it the pain is minimal, but I have a tendency to want to sleep on my side. Not much of a back sleeper.
I do P/T in person twice a week and have an app from the P/T tech where it has home exercises similar to what I do at P/T. So basically, doing P/T everyday with CPM and icing. The only controversial thing I do is I feel great after a warm bath. I know heat is a no-no but the rest of my body is so sore, and a warm bath loosens the muscles, and I feel great afterward. My incision is fine no swelling or signs of infection.
Finishing up my week 3 now and my doctor said week 4 is the biggest turning point and I will notice a huge difference. I am scheduled to continue outpatient P/T until mid-December where they will evaluate my progress. I was told I made a good decision to start outpatient P/T right away. Not saying it's for everyone but it benefitted me so far.
I will update my progress in a few weeks.