TKR Tkr may 28th

My partner keeps saying I must push myself to go faster but I said I can't.
That's just wrong! No one should tell you how you should be recovering. Walking faster at your early stage of healing is unsafe. Walking slowly allows you to be sure in each step. That is very important. You don't want to fall!
Possibly your partner would be receptive to you expressing that you appreciate their support, but need to go at your own pace since you're the one that has to deal with the negative effect of pushing yourself, which can be counterproductive to your recovery. I am sure your partner's suggestions are well intended, but likely only add pressure at an already challenging time, which isn't helpful. Be're doing this your way!
Have a great Wednesday, millwhop! :)
Hi there. He didn't mean it been pushy. He is so supportive. He has been my rock throught it all.

I went to the Drs yesterday, on return to my car. I put my good leg in first and my bad knee buckled, I had to hold onto the door to stop me falling. My knee has been stiff and swollen since. Rest and ice for me know. Is this something that happens untill it all heals?

I put my good leg in first and my bad knee buckled, I had to hold onto the door to stop me falling.
Could you clarity whether you are describing the operated knee as the good or the bad?

If the one that buckled is the operated knee, that does happen to many of us. It's usually just an indication that the leg muscles are still weak. Be sure to ice and elevate until the swelling goes down.
I have had bucking issues with my knees after every single surgery and needed extensive PT to make my quads strong again. I swell for long periods of time post-operatively, which shuts down my quad muscles. I have the buckling until my quad muscles get to firing normally again. ((That's how it's been explained to me numerous times)).

Apparently this is worse for many of us after a TKR because of the major incision and level of swelling. I was using my walker in the house yesterday between rooms, feeling like my new TKR leg was much stronger....then it just tried to buckle. It comes out of the blue sometimes and reminds me I have a long way to go before life gets back to normal.
I put my good leg in first and my bad knee buckled, I had to hold onto the door to stop me falling.
Could you clarity whether you are describing the operated knee as the good or the bad?

If the one that buckled is the operated knee, that does happen to many of us. It's usually just an indication that the leg muscles are still weak. Be sure to ice and elevate until the swelling goes down.
Sorry my bad knee is the operated one!!
Thanks for clarifying, @millwhop. It's probably just the result of muscle weakness. As your leg muscles grow stronger, it should improve.
Remember that this is a year long recovery, so you are only about one-third of the way through. :flwrysmile:

Hope your all good. Just an update on how I'm doing. I'm 22 wks post off this week. This last 2wks I feel like things are coming together. The tightness has gone. Comes back at night when I have been doing a lot. Tonight I went to alton towers scarefeast. I have walked 15,414 steps. Was a little stiff when I got back to the car. But once I was home put me leg up and all feels better. Feel happy with how it's going. Feel like it's moving in the right way at long last......happy Halloween peopl
Great update, @millwhop! 15,000+ steps is impressive -- and I'm not surprised you were a bit stiff afterwards.

So glad to read that you feel like you've turned a corner!
Oh this is great news!

You'll benefit from alternating very active "pushing it" with less active "baseline" days. From what I read from our members, 4 to 5 months out is when it's common to want to go fully into "normal life" while also reducing or stopping rest, ice, and elevation - it's so easy to do this too many days in a row and then realize Oops! Overdid it! (ask me how I know....)
Good sound so chipper, I love it!
Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing the good news. :) A belated Happy Five Month Anniversary!
After a really busy day, I always took the next day off and did just the necessary things around the house. This worked well in my healing journey. I still do that now. I found my body needs to recuperate after a really busy day.
Yes that's what I did had a few days doing little bits.....but its nice to be on this side of the journey now!!!!!! Thanks guys!!!!
Evening all. Hope your all well and ready for christmas . I'm 6mnths post opp. When back to work beginning of Dec....only doing 1 day a week due to holidays need using up. In January in working 3 days a week. I have started to walk faster now which happened all of a sudden. I'm still very stiff in the mornings when I get up or if I've been sitting for a while but soon start to walk better after a short time. Things are starting to feel better each day. Can't wait to wake up and my knee isn't the first thing I think about.
I'm still very stiff in the mornings when I get up or if I've been sitting for a while but soon start to walk better after a short time. Things are starting to feel better each day. Can't wait to wake up and my knee isn't the first thing I think about.
Sounds like you are doing great. Seems like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The time will come soon when your knee isn't the first thing on your mind.
Morning all.

Hope everyone is all good. At the end if january I've had my new knee for 8mnths. All is looking good I wake up in the morning and my knee isn't the first thing I think of now!!!! I can do most things with out thinking now. I still have to think about walking down an has been hard work and the patience is something that I have had to get used too...I have notice that this last few weeks it's been very cold and I have felt it more in my new knee. Just need to wrap it up when it's cold. Have a good week all.
Thanks for all the help and advice over the 8mnths. Much love Nicky xxxx
Wonderful to hear from you and thanks for the great update, @millwhop! Glad you are doing so well. It is so satisfying when we reach the point in recovery where the knee isn't always on our minds, isn't it?

The walking-down-the-hill thing was a challenge for me too for a long time. My husband used to laugh at me as I "slalomed" down our steep driveway after a walk. The one day, without thinking, I walked almost straight down the hill. When I turned around, his mouth was agape and he said, "do you know what you just did?" :heehee:

You will get there -- just need a little more of that patience you've been practicing.

Please come back and update us again soon.
Thanks for stopping by with such a positive update!

I have notice that this last few weeks it's been very cold and I have felt it more in my new knee.
Many do feel weather changes in their joint. It's especially true for patients with arthritic joints who have not had a joint replacement, but also the case even after you have a new prosthetic in place.

Weather changes are predicted by changes in barometric pressure, which is the weight of the air pressing against the earth's surface. These changes can trigger pain and stiffness in the area of the prosthesis. The activity of bone adapting and growing around the metal leads to the sensitivity felt during weather and pressure changes. These sensations normally disappear within one to two years following surgery.

Hope to hear from you again over the coming months. Take good care!

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