"It's my understanding that in most knee failures it's the tibial component cement that loosens. "
Has the component cement had the same level of refinement as the prosthetic itself ? I'm 47 and going to have a BioMet AGC in about 10 days time. I too hope it lasts 20 years plus and since this replacement has been in the field since 1983 i guess it must be a reliable one......I am quite a sporting fellow and when me knee problems started i managed pain with over the counter drugs and at one stage was way way over the recommended dose for adults.....I then found out by reading the extended exposure to pain killers can cause liver/kidney damage so i got off them as quickly as possible. I now manage pain with excercise and don't take any knee related pain killers at all and haven't for 15 years...I play squash, swim, scuba dive, play Golf, ride a Harley, climb hills, dance 6 hours a week (Ceroc...like rock n roll).....i've given up squash in the last couple of years to "save" my knee for the things i enjoy most...but a recent xray showed the knee of a 70 year old in my leg with mostly bone-on-bone action so time to replace....consultant said surprised you can walk let alone do all the things you do...so the question is one of balance...i am managing the pain to the extent i am surprised when people mention i am limping...i just don't notice any more..... Morning after a dance night or cold mornings i can tell...good weather vain my knee ! ....So what can i expect after TKR ? Do i reset my pain counters ? What do i put up with and what shouldn't i accept ? ......."Every step i take is a considered step" is something i do almost sub-consciously....by that i mean i never put my foot down without considering what i am putting it down on...i don't / can't run any more (hence no squash)...but i dance, lug a full golf bag around a 5 mile golf course and support the weight of my Harley when required (624lbs)..this is pain i manage.........is after TKR any better ? what say you out there my fellow firum readers ? anyone had an AGC by BioMet ?
sincere regards Jon