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TKR April 29th, 2008

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Jul 13, 2008
United States
I have read the boards before and since my surgery and have found them to be very interesting an informative. I went to a baseball game over the weekend and as almost run over by the crowd after the game. I'm still not walking fast. I'm am getting a little impatient....I have been a polcie officer for 31 years and plan on going back to work. We are a small department and I can't get any desk job. My plan is to go back out on the street. My PT tells me I can do this in time...I still have the warm knee and swelling. I must wear shorts as the incision still feels very funny when something is rubbing against it.
Hi my surgery was april28 and this weekend afriend came by and took me to the farmers market and i to was moving slow and she was so paticate with me cause i was so slow but i to am coming along slow my pt says ill be fine everyone heals differtly so keep geting exercse and going to pt ill be fine and so will you maybe we need a sign slow moving lol. today was the first time i could w ere blue jean that it didnt rub on my incision yea! so good luck!
Welcome to the forum. Lots of great information. I retired in '03 after 23+ years as a police. Stayed retired almost 3 years and then became a Deputy Sheriff, working 3 days a week as a bailiff. (no light duty cause I'm part-time) Lots of walking and in and out of chairs. Finally had to tell them I'd be back in a few months; knees were so bad I was walking like a penguin!! On June 9th I had BTKR. I'm doing great but won't even consider going back to work until September (and that might be too soon!). My PT says he's about to kick me out of therapy; my ROM is at 125 in both knees. Do lots of cycling at home and that helps alot. Walking is fine but I get stiff and sore if I over do. Today I tried the Mall. Started out fine but didn't last long. Still not sleeping well but everyone says it come eventually. It's nice that the old joint pain is gone but I know I've got along way to go before I can go back to work. Have to consider the extra weight when you put on that sam brown, gun, ammo, handcuffs, etc. The big thing I've learned through this whole thing is patience!!! Don't give up. It takes time and everyone is different.

Are you going to be able to have a phased return to work, RD? That's like ..

Week 1
Mon 9-1
Thurs 9-1

Week 2
Mon 9-1
Wed 9-1
Fri 9-1

Week 3
Tues 8-4
Thurs 8-4

Week 4
Mon 8-4
Wed 8-4
Fri 8-4

Week 5
normal duties

It's what the H&S (health and safety) people in the UK recommend, especially for people on their feet all the time.
Doug, you are growing in force...the law is everywhere!

RDUczy, Welcome! The speed will come. I'm recovering from knee #2 right now but found that I was pretty much back to normal at about month 4-5 the first go round. I try to carry a cane a little longer then needed so that people around me, if they're not totally oblivious, will take a little extra caution and not run me down.

NJW, We had our surgery the same day and my ROM is also 125+ which is definitely good for both of us. If you can put off going to work until September then do it, especially with bilats. I will be going back on July 30th. While my job itself is not physical or requires a lot of standing, my commute is torturous. I work at the Pentagon and it takes me 2 hours to get there from home. A 13 hour day is the norm for me. I drive 14 miles to a train station and catch a commuter train, then I walk through a shopping center to catch the metro (subway) which takes me to the Pentagon. Then I have to walk through the Pentagon to the opposite side which is an experience in itself when you are trying to walk in a crowd with mainly very physically fit military. It can definitely be like circuit training, especially during commuter hours. I've been doing a LOT of walking so feel comfortable with that aspect but it's the speed that becomes the problem, as discussed above.

I still have the sleep problem too. I worried about this going back to work last fall with the first knee and it seemed my sleep problems simply disappeared with my return to work so I'm hoping this will happen again. Maybe it was the getting back on a schedule aspect of it. Hopefully the same will happen this time.

Good luck to you both! Karen
Some of you mentioned sleep problems. That was the big one for me. After 5 weeks I finally was so tired I asked the doctor for a prescription. Have taken generic Ambien for 4 days and it has made a difference. It is amazing how much better you feel after a good nights sleep. I tried Tylenol PM but it did nothing for me. Others have mentioned some herbal compounds. What ever works for you, just don't ignore it as it really is not worth the exhausation.

Karen, Nancy: You are both doing fantastic so far with ROM at 125. I am only at about 80 on both legs after 4 weeks and am just getting very frustrated. PT has been hellish, but I'm sticking with it. They think my progress may have slowed down due to the disruption of PT in the hospital because of blod clots. I am also having some respiratory problems from pain meds, and sleep is difficult. I guess if I look at progress over the last week, it's getting better, but it's a day-to-day struggle to get these knees to bend. Just the thought of going back to work scares the heck out of me.

One source of comfort has been the pool. I am able to get in some water walking and some good stretches in the water. It also helps with the cabin fever!

Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to catching up with you!
It took me a month to get even close to 90 degrees with the first knee and it's now at 120+ so don't feel discouraged. It will come. Some knees just take more time and a lot more work. Don't feel defeated. Actually, I think it was only about 100 when I went back to work at eight weeks last time......

I'm glad you've been able to get into the pool. My incision didn't completely heal up until this week and then I've been either too busy or when I had time, the aquatics center I belong to has been closed due to swim meets. That always stinks! So, hopefully this week, I'll get there! Hang in there Sharon! Remember we have a date!Karen
Try keeping a journal. It really helped me when I got frustrated. I could go back and see how far I had come over time. I wrote down when I took my pain meds and what level my pain was and where/why (if I knew), what exercises I did and how many reps. Sometimes when you look only at "today" it is easy to lose sight of the big picture and become discouraged. Hang in there!
Today the PT measured my knee and told me I had increased swelling. The pain isn't any worse however I do feel a little tight. Can the Dr remove fluid around the knee..or do they try not to do it with a TKR? Tomorrow is my monthly checkup.
Not that kind of fluid, RD. It's all in the tissues like a bath sponge. Only way to get that down is LOTS of elevation - and I mean high elevation - and icing. Could you also get someone to massage your knee to encourage the fluid out and up the leg? Needs only be gentle but according to others on here, it does help.

Also, swelling is often a reaction to inadequately controlled pain so be sure you are taking sufficient pain meds during this time.
I Have To Wonder If My Fast Recovery Is Due To My Pain Meds. I Had Btkr Two Months Ago Yesterday, May 13, And Have Been As Pretty Much Close To Normal Walking And Getting Around Since Five Weeks. Only Used The Walker The First Week I Was Home And The Can About A Week After That And Then Only When I Went Outside The House. Since Week Six Post Op Have Been Cleaning The House, Running The Vacuum, Mopping, Even Cleaning The Dog Doo Up Every Morning In The Yard. Do My Exercises Spread Over The Day And Ride The Stationary Bike Every Day Without Fail. But The Biggest Difference Is The Amount Of Pain Meds I Take. Since The Late 90's When I Went Through The Pain Clinic Here At The University I Have Been On 160 Mg Of Oxycontin Three Times A Day And In Between Up To Four Times A Day I Take Two Immediate Release Oxycodone. Plus They Have Me On Tylenol And A Couple Of Aspirins A Day. I Have Had Next To No Swelling Since Week Three And Even Before That It Was Minimal Compared To What Everyone Here Was Talking About. To Be Honest My Quick Recovery Has Really Made Me Uncomfortable Posting On The Forum As I Feel People Will Feel I Am Boasting. I Do Have A Terrible Time Sleeping And Have Pain In My Hips And Back At Night That Is Just Maddening. Have Tried Everything Except Sleep Aids And With The Amount Of Pain Meds I Take I Don't Think My Doctor Is Going To Go For Prescribing Anything, Especially Since I Also Take Four To Six Soma Muscle Relaxers A Day. I Have Been Using Those Primarily So I Can Get Some Sleep At Night. They Just Don't Last Long Enough To Get More Than A Couple Of Hours At A Time Because I Have Taken Them So Long I Suppose. I Should Say When I Was In The Hospital And The First Few Weeks At Home I Was Taking Another Pain Medication In Addition To The Oxycontin And 5 Of The Immediate Release Oxycodone Every Three Hours Plus The Soma, So You Can See I Was Adequately Medicated. When Josephine Said That The Swelling Might Be Attributed To The Under Dosing Of Pain Meds It Suddenly Clicked For Me Why I May Have Done So Well. Particularly Since I Am One Of The Older People On The Site, Will Be 67 In Just A Few Weeks. Anyway, I Do Pray For Everyone's Quick Recovery And Am Eternally Grateful For Having Had This Forum During This Time Of My Life. To Be Honest, Particularly When My Youngest Son Was Murdered Right Before My Surgery Was Scheduled And I Got Sick And It Had To Be Postponed For A Few Weeks I Do Not Know What I Would Have Done Without The People On This Forum. Their Generosity, Kindness And Prayers Were Instrumental In My Getting Through Tony's Death And The Surgery So I Will Never Forget The People I Have Met Here. Thanks To All Of You. Rowdy
Normally they do not do anything---you just have to ride the rollercoaster of swelling and ROM---things will get better; it just takes more time than any of us would wish. Keep working hard in PT---good things will come of it. As Josephine said, elevate and ice--lots of ice!

Tim C.
We all know that everyone heals at their own pace or their body's pace. I don't think anyone will look at you doing great as bragging.

I started posting at the end of April and didn't know about your son. I will keep you in my prayers. Also it is wonderful that you are healing so well after what you had just gone through.
I kind of think I am on the average to slow side, but that is ok. I also had my femur fractured in surgery and don't know if that has something to do with it all (I'm a hippy)

Reading your post gave me one vote in the direction of taking pain meds so I can walk limp free. My other option is to take less and walk with a cane limping.

Glad you are doing well
Judy in So Cal
Dear Rowdy--- That sounded almost like one of those "goodbye" posts that several have tried to do around here. You aren't thinking of leaving us are you? Better not!
I am sure there is no one here who would be jealous or mad that you are doing so well. You deserve to have some things go your way. Keep taking good care!
I have the massage instructions Jo was talking about. If you PM me your regular e-mail address I would be glad to send them to you. The file is too big to post here on the forum. Several of us have felt we got some relief from the gentle massage and it sure can't hurt!

Today the PT measured my knee and told me I had increased swelling. The pain isn't any worse however I do feel a little tight. Can the Dr remove fluid around the knee..or do they try not to do it with a TKR? Tomorrow is my monthly checkup.
Yeah Rowdy, don't you leave us too, we would miss you. It's great to hear about the success stories too. As Beach say's you definately deserve some good stuff happening to you for a change.

Well I must get on my bike again. I've got PT in the morning and I see my OS in the afternoon, so I want to try for a better ROM by then!! (((((((((HUGS)))))))) Sue
Yeah, Rowdy - you had a roller coaster there and no mistake. Glad we were able to cheer you through.

Beach, could you send me those instructions, please? I would very much like to have that info for future use!
I will try this. There is no attachment button to PM it to you. Usually I send it via regular e-mail because of the size of the files.....
Looks like I need to split it into two messages. Here's the first page.


  • [] TKR April 29th, 2008
    Lymph Drainage 1.jpg
    88.8 KB · Views: 152
here is page two


  • [] TKR April 29th, 2008
    Lymph Drainage 2.jpg
    84.1 KB · Views: 152
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