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TKA pre surgery exercises

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Jul 5, 2009
United States
Hi to all on this forum and I would like to introduce myself. I've been lurking around for over one year but have never posted. My LTKR is set for August 10. I'm a retired RN--worked as a psychiatric nurse manager (last employment)for approximately 9 years. Also owned a fitness business(in the 80's) geared toward specialty exercise programs--including prenatal, postnatal, arthritis, and senior exercise as well as aerobic classes and traditional weight training equipment--also physician endorced and supervised.

I am very interested in hearing about what types of exercises that everone found helpful to best condition muscles before TKR. I have purchased (awhile back) the recommended BIBLE on knee surgery and rehabilitation written by a physician and physical therapist. In general for the past year I am exercising 1 hour a day including lots of quad strenthening.

My husband and I live in Virginia and about 4 months on Molokai Hawaii. Thankfully I have been able to do pool jogging and exercises since we have been in Molokai for the last few weeks---home in Virginia July 11.

Thank you for your ideas. I look forward to being on this forum officially!
Welcome, Skye! So glad you decided to join in the BoneSmart forum. Your background and experience will add an interesting perspective and I hope you decide to take an active role here.

In my own case, I worked on quad strength and arm strength before surgery. Many times it seems that the quads come back faster if they are strong to begin with. And right after surgery I NEEDED the upper body and arm strength to haul myself up on my feet from chairs or the toilet. I was a "three-legged dog" for several weeks until I gained some ROM in my new knee!!
Hi syke!
[] TKA pre surgery exercises
(Or shouldn't that be psych! :hehe:) Welcome to BoneSmart!
Hi and Welcome,,, Quads quads quads. At first I didnt think it was that important. I thought mine were ok. But you do lose alot after surgery. So if you can build those up it will help with lifting your leg after. I remember staring at mine for hours waiting for it to lift off the bed. That was very hard..Im sure you will be fine . Please post with any questions we have all been there one way or another...Blessings you way...
Welcome, skype...great place to get info and encouragement.:p

I did quad building exercises as well as exercises to be used post surgery to help prevent blood clots.

I WISH I had done more upper body strenght is amazing how important this is.

Biggest challenge post surgically was lifting that leg! It was like dead weight (literally since I had no feeling in the leg for three days (had a long acting femoral block) :shk:

Again, welcome.
Hi syke!
That was one of the first questions I had many months ago.
I am going to a physical therapist for a neck problem, and I asked her how to build up quads. There are books that will help you with that. I bought "Total Knee Replacement & Rehabilitation - The Knee Owner's Manual was written by orthopedic surgeon Daniel J. Brugioni, M.D" and found it really helpful. Anyway, the physical therapist showed me something that works great. You feel it immediately.
She used a treadmill just to show me because there are bars on each side to hold on to a little bit, or for sure to keep your balance. At home I do it between two kitchen counters that are rather close to each other. the way she explained it was to hold the bars (lightly--don't put too much weight on the bars or it defeats the purpose!BUT since you are leaning back a bit, you do need to use them up to a degree!)....then squat down as if you were using a public restroom and you don't want to sit on the seat, just "hover" above it! Try not to use the handles too much, but you alway can if it gets to be too much. (I always do) If you do about 10 of those holding each one for 10 seconds, you will know you are really doing something. I think she said to try to do that 3 times a day. 3 sets of 10 each are a little too tiring. When she first told me that she would tell me about some squats, I said "there is NO way I can do squats with my knee. But you can probably do these!
Hi Kim---thanks for asking me about my progress. I am exercising every day--lots of quad exercises plus other exercises to strengthen my whole body---also "walking" dvds for aerobics. I can't walk well very long without pain or limping---however I can do the marching(walking)movements involved with the dvds----strange huh! I was doing pool exercises for 60 minutes each day while I was in Molokai Hawaii for 6 weeks (left 7/10--now back in Virginia) and boy did I love that. I soooo miss the pool!!! We live on a lake in the rural country side---so everything is about 45 min to 1 hour away--including fitness centers.
Anyway--thanks for asking about me. I always read all your posts! Nancy
Skye....your date is certainly drawing near. I hope you're getting excited thinking of all the things you will be able to do with a new knee. Be sure and post if you have any questions or concerns!
You sound like you are really get "tuned" up for surgery and that is a good thing.

I drive almost an hour to go to PT because I really like the center.
I pass up about 20 centers or more. But one should go to a place they really trust.

You clearly live in the city. Where I live there is 1 PT center associated with the hospital and 1 small private practice one (who are great) and those 2 require a bit of a drive.

You are so right about finding one you can trust. That is the key.

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