Susie Mac
new member
First off I am soo happy I found this site. I am 6 weeks and 4 days post op bilateral TKR. I live alone, I have 2 sets of stairs in my house (15 steps each), and I have a full time job and a business to run; let’s just say I’m struggling a little (ok, A LOT!!). I can straighten my legs to 100% my range of motion is 122 degrees today (PT). My problem is the pain, not sleeping at night and the tiredness. I would like to get off of the meds but I just crumble when the pain comes on. How long does it take for bone to heal normally? I’m not sleeping well at night and when I try to do what I need to do (work) I hit what I call the brick wall. If I don’t get home and get to bed ASAP I’m in real trouble. I don’t know when this is going to happen from day to day so it’s hard to determine how to pace myself. I wish I had the luxury to take more time off but it’s not going to happen. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! I would like to know a time frame (average) when I should expect to start gaining more energy? How long before I see a significant reduction in the pain? Thank you!