Tips to straighten TKR leg

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Just got her home. She is on valium..(Think I'll join her with an oxycodone). She is laid out on the couch covered up and sleeping. The really cute thing is that he young male boxer is sitting next to her like he is guarding her.
As usual thanks for the caring responses.

I am so glad to hear it went well. Sending healing, peaceful thoughts to both of you!
so glad she's home and comfy....i lost my girl maggie 14 years ago after a long battle including 3 rounds of chemo...she was a cocker...lost my husband to another woman 13 years ago after a 15 year battle..our pets are our 8 yr. old Lucy, another cocker and the light of my life sends her love & prayers to your kids and you and my hubby #2 of 10 years and I do the same!
ladyblue.....i feel like my tkr leg is longer too....i'm not sure why...and the limp is accompanied by the click/catch of the new hardwear inside....i'm really getting worn out by this...and our weather here in western pa. is making it difficult to get to p.t.--not afraid of driving, afraid of the parking lot!!!
My wife is sleeping with the dog on the couch downstairs now. I can tell their comfortable by the amount of snoring I hear.

I was told by the Dr. and a couple of other folks that the clunking in the joint is going to happen. It may go away eventually or it may not. Exercising the joint to tighten things up is supposed to help. I've pretty much gotten used to it. As long as the ache goes away I can live with a clunk.
I went all day without needing any meds. When the sun went down, things changed. I thought my knee was sensitive to weather changes and fronts before, I really believe it is more sensitive with the new joint.
Put a rolled up towel under your ankle and stay in that position for 5 mins .... It used to hurt me so much that I took out my stop watch to help me pass the pain filled seconds. But repeating this exercise up to five times a day for a few weeks really set me straight. It was one of the exercises I was given to do by my PT straight after the operation. After about 5 weeks of five times a day, I was astounded to see that my leg just automatically lay flat. It feels so good to see both legs looking much the same. Persistence with this exercise has really paid off...... Good luck!
Just got back from my therapy and my knee was sore when I got there but after the exercises it felt better. (At least until he worked on straighten it....) The first time that he pushed down I wanted to jump through the roof!! I know--no pain >no gain but it really really hurt!! He held it down for 30 seconds -3 times and believe it or not when I started to walk it felt better (not as stiff) and it wasn't so difficult to walk! I am really psyched about my next PT on Friday. Can't wait till I am strong enough to go back to work!!
Yesterday was a terrible day at PT..The weather was terrible (SNOWY AND BITTER COLD) and every muscle/bone in my body hurt. When the therapist worked on my leg (pressing it down) it hurt so bad that I wanted to puke! After the third set of pressing I was almost in tears. I have to find a way to psych myself up to work through the pain. Today I felt terrible and really didn't feel like doing much of anything. Sorry that I am being a whiner but it really hurts!!
LadyB, I know how you feel. There are just days like that unfortunately. Progress with these knees is not linear, it has lots of ups and downs; good days when you feel like things got better and days that feel like the pits of hell. There are also 'just days'. There are lots of tips to try on other posts, I am not your best source for those. I can tell you that with the help you can get from the folks here and the help from Him that you WILL make it through. I am 9 weeks out, don't know where you are on this road, sorry, but it is a long one. Don't expect too much too soon. It takes months not days. Think about what you have gained; try not to ever concern yourself with what you cannot do or how much it hurts. I know that's easy to say, but it is something you have to work through. May the Lord bless you and keep you and give you Peace.
Ladyblue, I really hope your leg is feeling better soon. It sounds as though you has a really awful PT session yesterday. Don't feel bad about complaining, you deserve to. Cry as much as you like, it really makes you feel better if you do.

I wonder if American PT is harsher than Canadian. They haven't had me on my stomach to push to bend yet and she doesn't push me to the extreme you seem to be experiencing, maybe they are watching how many kleenex thay give out, I cry easily. She says I am on course, though today I feel as if I'm not. I am sure the weather doesn't help, we had another 5 inches of snow yesterday, not too cold today though, only minus 4 C I think.

I am 7 weeks now and I am wondering if anyone else still sees alot of swelling? My knee still looks huge. I do ice, but I get much more relief with a heat pad. I did check with my surgeon if it is OK to use heat and he said it was fine. I wouldn't sleep at all without that comfort. Does anyone else use heat?
My PT is anti-heat on anything that is swollen. The heat brings additional blood/fluid to the traumatized area (our knees) which although while it may feel better temporarily, it only increases the swelling. Ice does not feel as soothing but decreases the blood flow and thus the swelling. I, too, prefer the heat to the ice but I was instructed to lay off the heat until the knee was the same size as the "normal knee"
dw6928, thanks for the tip, I will try more ice in future then. Is it true you can only keep it on 15 mins at a time, they mentioned it in the hospital?

this is my first post... im going into my 5th week and feel like I have been a slacker. I go to pt once a day and then stretch.. i still have a long way to go with getting my knee straight i am @ -9 walk with a limp and really cant seem to get a glimpse of my natural gait... i try not to depend on the pain meds but i cant do without them range of motion is pitiful... but I am seeing a big difference in the pain at physical therapy still hurts like thunder but i can see some progress..I have never heard anyone talk about a 'window' for progress and i certainly hope it is not 6 weeks because i am a long way from 'fixed' I am sick and tired of the pain and find myself wanting to 'un-do' this thing and get my old leg back! at least it did not hurt ALL the time!!! Thanks for listening...

I havent had anyone to discuss any of these issues with and I was so excited with I found this web site and began to read about everyones experience.

Keep up the good work...

We've ALLLLLL felt like you. I'm a two weeks ahead of you....I don't walk normal....early in the day, when I have "some" energy, I walk the my energy starts to fade, I limp more. As Jospehine will most likely tell you, we're very, very early in this game.

You've come to the right place....ALL my special cyber pals will be around, soon, to welcome you and give you support and advice.

I suggest that you read all the'll see your situation in almost every one of them...

Glad you're here!! We'll all work through this together!!
You new pal, Patti
You are SO not alone. There's usually lots of people on here very late in the evening...into the early morning. Sometimes sleep doesn't come easy! It's easier when you know that there's a friend just a click away.

Post often and let us know what's going on with you. Lay it on the table...we'll pick it until it bleeds!!

I know you don't feel good....I know that knee feels like a monkey drug it up a tree....I know you don't walk right....I know you don't have any want to want to be normal! It's exactly how I feel too.

keep working hard....
Welcome Texassissy!! Patti just said it all, the people here are the greatest. Hope you get a good nights sleep!
Hey, Texassisy! You from Texas?? I'm a Texan but live in Oregon. I'm at 11 weeks. You will feel better. I remember feeling exactly as you describe. I just wanted to go back in time and not go through all this. But tonight I managed to get a shower, dress, go to church, go grocery shopping, and live to tell the story. That's a lot for me. Of course, I did pop a Norco in the middle of all that, but i did have more stamina. Tomorrow we are going to the gun show (I need a nice handgun for my CWP - concealed weapons permit) and that will be lots of walking around.

Hey, you retired police folks - any advice? I need a revolver as my hands are too weak due to arthritis to pull back the slide/action.

Love you all! and good to have a new member! We're here for you!

My PT is also an ice man, especially if there is any swelling, same with my dr.
Heat feels good, but in the long run they say it just makes the swelling worse. I stand in a hot shower though and bend my knee around and then when I get out ice it.
I think if you back off the heat at night, your knee may go down. I really like ice at night. I use frozen peas you can mold the bag around your knee, (i put them in a large zip lock) and a towel of course. It is not extreme cold like PT, but enough to soothe. Maybe you could try it. Plus if you get hungry during the night you can always steal a pea and not have to get up! Corn is okay too, whatever your favorite small veg may be.
Oh and Welcome Texas, not sissy though. Everyone is right we have been there, but it does get better believe me. Even though we are still complaining, read back at some of our old threads from the senior members and you won't believe the difference. My PT told me to think about 6 months from now, even sometimes a year out. He said a year from now you will not even think about your knees (having a second one done in 2 weeks) so that is why a year for me. If just one he said 6 months and you will forget about your knee because it will be so normal and so painfree. I know compared now to my other knee my new knee is so so much better. I am at 8 weeks.
Post your whines, tears, accomplishments with us you will not only feel better, but who knows who you will help in a moment when they felt just like you do now.
Thanks for joining with us.
Welcome...I couldn't help but smile at your post. Been there felt like that. Since you're new to the site, I would suggest you go back and look at some of the other threads that have been posted particularly in the past 5-6 weeks..this whole crew has discussed everything but in-grown toenails.(and don't get us started with that). You sound like you have been working, BUT, you have work to do.
I am 7 weeks post op. Don't even think about cutting back on the pain meds. It will catch up with you. Nurse Josephine will get you for that one.
Make range of motion(ROM) a quest. Stretch it and bend it at every opportunity. Get in a hot bath and soak it. Work it while your in the water. Then ice it.
Hang in there and let us know how you're doing.
***Warning...there are some serious nuts that post on this site.....they can make you laugh and feel better about that baby knee.
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