When they measure the 0 it is laying down, however my leg is pretty straight and I do not walk with the limp for the most part. My other knee though hasn't been done yet and that is more painful than my new knee, so I have problems there. I think what helps me the most is just that original easy exercise I think we all got where you tighten the muscle on the top of your leg and pull your toes back and press your knee down. I just do it while laying on the sofa or in bed, alot actually because it relieves the tightness I get and pain as well, I think more than anything that has straightened my leg the most.
Hot flashes, I spent a lot of time months before my operation in the walk-ins at work. Nice to work in the restaurant biz during times like those. I have a friend that turned me onto some herbal supplements, I started to take them and within days the heat flashes stopped. I had to go off of them prior to surgery and did not go back on due to another upcoming surgery so I figured why bother. But I really noticed that I get these sweats when I am backing off my pain meds. They are different though from the traditional change of life heat flashes that I was getting. Luckily haven't had any of them back yet. Those are the ones that start at your chest and make your head feel like it is on fire. The things I just experienced were more like when you have the flu or something. My PT told me it was a mild withdrawal and to back off the pain meds slowly not just stop all of a sudden like I did. Took me 3 times to put it all together and since I took his advice, I am much better. Perhaps you are experiencing something like that or it could just be the dang old hot flashes. The stuff I was taking was a menopause balance complex with black cohosh,soy isoflavones, flaxseed,etc. and an high potency multivitamin/multimineral. It really worked for me. My friend convinced me to try it and I have suggested to some other friends that had great success with it. I guess you can get it at a health food place or maybe even walmart, she got it for me through some Shaklee thing. I am not up on this stuff at all, but it worked for me.