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Tightness in knee

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Dec 10, 2008
Canada Canada
hi Everyone.....
I need some advise....I am 6 weeks tomorrow for a TLKR and this evening the tightness in the knee is really bothering me.
I have not done anything different but it is so tight today.......any suggestions as to why and what I can do about it...
Thanks in advance...Carol
My first guess is you have some tendonitis and/or swelling. Or you could have developed some free fluid in the joint which should clear itself in time. Either way, the usual mantra applies ice, elevate and take your pain meds. You are taking enough pain meds, by the way?
I have just popped into the wondeful site and 12 weeks post op on a rtkr.....I still have some swelling even now,normally after walking the dog large! or getting back out on the water....but Jo's mantra of ice and elevate always rescues the situation.
As for pain meds?I have been put on codeinne,still having problems at night with the stiffening knee waking me up,but I am told its because it bends to well now!..and I end up curled up like a dormouse,something new knne is not to chuffed
But we are getting used to each other now.
Thanks girls...that is what I have been doing...icing it and resting it.
I think last week we pushed it a bit too much and added the bike to the exercise routine and I did the full circle on the was after that, that it started to act up a bit. I guess the answer is time and ice...
Have a great day...Carol
Ach well I seem to have "run"? into another problem Jo.
Whilst trying to stop my dog from doing an unlanned exit from the garden,the knee waiting to be looked at decided then would be a good time to give out,causing a falling over situation,I did my best to protect the "new knee"..but it did get twisted and took a band on a large !quaint" stone...
Both kness had an egg shaped lump apppear but they bothe went down with some frozen pea's applied.
Now the replaced knee has that awful toothache tpye pain back in it,which as not been there since it was done.
And I have had to go back to painkillers which have lain redundant for ages in the cupboard
What chances I have done damage Jp? or is it just a nervous new kne owner over reacting?
My guess is it is soft tissue only. It is really hard to hurt these new knees!
It certainly cannot be the old "bone on bone" pain, because that old bone is gone :)

Keep icing and elevating. Of course, if it does not pass, call your OS.
Yes, Gretchen is right - there's lots of soft tissue that can be bruised and bashed long before you do anything bad to your metal knee. Don't worry about it - yet! If it hasn't settled down within about three weeks, I'd get it checked out just to reassure yourself.
Many thanks for that guys.
I have an appointment about the other knee!! today with my o/s so will see what he has to say....will have to mention it as egg shaped lump is refusing to be pushed or shoved out of sight...;]..
And it now appears to be running a bit hot as its ggone a wonderful christmas red colour..hoping its an inbuilt radiater against the cold snap here at the mo..
Hi Jo
Just to let you know my o/s has give me a brace to wear on the operated knee for now for next the fall did result in a lot of swelling internally,it had all settled down wonderfullly well but for now its to help it rest?.
And the other knee is going to have to be done asap,as the same problem Necrosis?is appearing in it,according to the Mri.
So feeling like I have gained so much last three months then all of a sudden its back to square one.
Still onwards and upwards
Oh we will get there one way or
And having a good window on no pain no thats the place to be.
Have just enrolled into private hydro therapy class with my own xercise regime to help it on its way and will be competing in a sailing race in two weeks just with a brace now aswell
Onwards and
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