Hi, Hippie-Hipsters,
It's Patrikya again...I've been in such radical pain in my right hip that I can't sleep in ANY position or sit or stand or anything without the kind of pain that just about makes me blackout. Plus, I'm a stress non-eater...have lost over 20 pounds in a year from muscle atrophy and plain old lack of appetite. I'm really weak emotionally and especially physically. Now that winter has arrived (if you can call it that here in California near the coast), and the flus and colds are circulating, I conjoured up a whole new set of worries for the next few days--namely, WHAT IF I'M TOO WEAK TO RECOVER or WHAT IF I COME DOWN WITH THE FLU IN THE NEXT DAY OR SO??? Postponing my surgery would mean postponing it until summer :shk:, and that would be the worst news I could ever hear in my life right now!
Am I just getting sucked into the pre-surgery blues? I've been so excited and "up" for the procedure...until this a.m. Greeting yet another day in absolute agony is so depressing! My docs have been very frugal with pain meds over the months as they insisted two things: A) we need the narcotic meds for break-through pain after the surgery and (B) don't want an addiction to occur. So....I've been "allowed" 2 vicodin 5/500 per day, which I snap in half and take 4 times a day (vicodin seems to keep me awake at night). Also, tramadol and gabapentin at night (the duo from which I can't see ANY relief). This past week, my docs took me off of the ibuprofen as well.
I'm so SO worn-down from pain and lack of sleep; will I "rally" after the surgery with some new-found energy? I know a positive attitude is imperative to a solid recovery, but I'm wearing thin in every respect.
Please, hippies or knee-peeps, were any of you feeling pre-surgery the way I feel right now? Is is "normal" to feel uniquely wiped-out from the arthritis pain and lack of sleep? Did any of you LOSE weight rather than gain it during your radical decline just prior to surgery?
I'm sorry to sound like a repetitive downer of a person--I'm normally such a can-do person that even the feelings of a quitter make me start to cry and wonder how I will make it through the next month or so. I cry because I'm so frustrated and helpless feeling. I'm not usually a fussy wimp! :rant: HELP!
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom or inspiration....Patrikya in California
It's Patrikya again...I've been in such radical pain in my right hip that I can't sleep in ANY position or sit or stand or anything without the kind of pain that just about makes me blackout. Plus, I'm a stress non-eater...have lost over 20 pounds in a year from muscle atrophy and plain old lack of appetite. I'm really weak emotionally and especially physically. Now that winter has arrived (if you can call it that here in California near the coast), and the flus and colds are circulating, I conjoured up a whole new set of worries for the next few days--namely, WHAT IF I'M TOO WEAK TO RECOVER or WHAT IF I COME DOWN WITH THE FLU IN THE NEXT DAY OR SO??? Postponing my surgery would mean postponing it until summer :shk:, and that would be the worst news I could ever hear in my life right now!
Am I just getting sucked into the pre-surgery blues? I've been so excited and "up" for the procedure...until this a.m. Greeting yet another day in absolute agony is so depressing! My docs have been very frugal with pain meds over the months as they insisted two things: A) we need the narcotic meds for break-through pain after the surgery and (B) don't want an addiction to occur. So....I've been "allowed" 2 vicodin 5/500 per day, which I snap in half and take 4 times a day (vicodin seems to keep me awake at night). Also, tramadol and gabapentin at night (the duo from which I can't see ANY relief). This past week, my docs took me off of the ibuprofen as well.
I'm so SO worn-down from pain and lack of sleep; will I "rally" after the surgery with some new-found energy? I know a positive attitude is imperative to a solid recovery, but I'm wearing thin in every respect.

Please, hippies or knee-peeps, were any of you feeling pre-surgery the way I feel right now? Is is "normal" to feel uniquely wiped-out from the arthritis pain and lack of sleep? Did any of you LOSE weight rather than gain it during your radical decline just prior to surgery?
I'm sorry to sound like a repetitive downer of a person--I'm normally such a can-do person that even the feelings of a quitter make me start to cry and wonder how I will make it through the next month or so. I cry because I'm so frustrated and helpless feeling. I'm not usually a fussy wimp! :rant: HELP!
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom or inspiration....Patrikya in California