THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing

Approaching 9 weeks post surgery!!! I can not believe it, seriously. Looking back, I have zero idea how I did this, as this recovery has been EXTREMELY challenging. I feel pretty good tonight, exercised, brunched with my friends, rested, elevated, iced & feel honestly doable tonight. I am thankful. I know I’m no where near over, but I am getting there. Which 9 weeks ago, I did not see any end to this. I am finally starting to feel like there maybe an end. Hopefully .
Great update, @msart! It's so true: in those first weeks, it seems like the pain will never go away and then ... one day, out of the blue, we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

You are on your way! Just be careful not to overdo it -- as we start to feel better, it can be hard to see the fine line between enough and too much.

Happy Two Month Anniversary!
Glad you're feeling hopeful and realize this recovery takes time. May it only get better!
Enjoy the week and thanks for sharing your journey with us all. :)
STAIRS!! I have been using my bottom 3 stairs at my staircase for past several weeks practicing. Yesterday, I tackled the whole staircase-with my dad here of course. And OMG-this is definitely going to take some practice & time. The immediate was not too difficult-I have rails to hold on to. But last night-my muscles HURT-I even think my bones hurt. I haven’t felt that nauseating pain in a while. I pulled out the heating pad-bc I could actually feel the spasms. They are much better now-definitely taking a rest day today. Hopefully, I can master this. But not in any rush to do that again-
Sorry to read you are in pain, @msart. Yes, our bodies do protest when we ask them to push beyond what they are ready to do. You are wise to back off for a few days to give yourself a chance to recover.

It's worth noting that tendons and ligaments can take up to 12 weeks to heal from the surgery -- and you had two surgeries back to back -- so give it a bit more time. Perhaps increase you stair climbing by one or two steps a day, rather than tackling the entire staircase at once.

I pulled out the heating pad-bc I could actually feel the spasms.
While it's fine to use heat on sore muscles in other parts of your leg, be sure to keep it away from the incision area -- you are still early enough in recovery that heat can cause inflammation. Ice is best on the surgical area for pain relief.
By the way, @msart -- would you like a different title for your thread?

Just let us know and we will change it for you.
Sure!! That would be great. You can put THR Posterior Slowly healing ❤️‍. That sounds like it would cover it all!! Thank you.
Rested & iced with a little heat-mainly on my back today. Thanks for the reminder not to put heat on incision site. I’m slow going, hoping tomorrow I’ll wake up nice & ready to tackle the day. Took a 2 hour siesta-so I must have been tired of it all!! Not where I want to be, however I am very aware things could be a lot worse. So I am thankful, actually VERY thankful I’m 2 months into recovery ❤️‍ . For weeks I have been going baby steps on my stairs, I had tackled the bottom 4-so I really thought I was ready. So far-Stairs 1, Michelle 0. I am going to tackle these stairs, sooner or later. Gotta have goals!!!
How about you attempt ascending / descending the stairs by gradually adding steps.
Do the 3-4 stairs that you've mastered and then every few days see if you can add one more, rather than trying the whole staircase. It's okay to start with toddler style climbing until you're feeling confident enough in strength and balance to work on normal stair climbing. With practice and patience you'll get there!
Good idea!! I have mastered the bottom ones both ways-good leg up, bad leg up & bad leg up, good leg up & vice versa. I am very comfortable with them because there are hand rails on both sides. The next step only one side has a hand rail…so I’m afraid, I think. I only did the whole stair case bc my parents were here. But I’m definitely going to try adding one-as soon as I get past this little set back. I over do it!!!
The next step only one side has a hand rail…so I’m afraid, I think.
I had a similar situation -- part of the staircase only had railing on one side -- and I used the cane for stability for a long time. Use those assistive devices for as long as you need them; you don't want to risk a fall!
The next step only one side has a hand rail…so I’m afraid, I think.
I had a similar situation -- part of the staircase only had railing on one side -- and I used the cane for stability for a long time. Use those assistive devices for as long as you need them; you don't want to risk a fall!
AGREED!! I certainly DO NOT want to go through this again.
Today-my surgeon said I can start bending side to side. I got released on doing 90 degrees a couple weeks I guess, still working on perfecting that. But happy I can start moving my body side to side. My guess is that this is going to take a bit of practice. I should have asked him about crossing my legs-I forgot that. I can’t wait until everything starts to gel back together & simple movements are not a struggle. I’m still sore, I wake up sore & slow going. I stretch it all out & get moving around & then I’m good. I do feel pretty good considering where I have been, I’m still tired & have to nap usually in afternoons after I’ve done a few things. But feeling hopeful, which is very important-as this recovery is physical & mental. I wished they had addressed the mental in the hospital.

Happy healing everyone!!! Keep moving & pushing forward❤️‍.
I should have asked him about crossing my legs-I forgot that.
Most surgeons advise against leg crossing for a few more months; some actually recommend never doing it.

Glad you can add some different movements back into your routine. Just take things slowly and don't be surprised if you encounter some resistance. Just listen to your body. It will let you know what it's ready for -- and what it's not! :wink:
@benne68 good to know that. I won’t rush to ask him.
I did a lot today, probably too much. This is typical of me. I’m resting with ice on my hip & heating pad on my shoulders. My shoulders have been really bothering me lately, i am assuming bc of new movements. Taking it easy tomorrow, i have learned i have to rest after a busy day. It is insane to me how little i am doing really in comparison to bf surgery and now. But I am doing more than I was-trying my hardest to get back. But this is just such a slow road. I am listening to my body bc I really have no choice.
@benne68 good to know that. I won’t rush to ask him.
I did a lot today, probably too much. This is typical of me. I’m resting with ice on my hip & heating pad on my shoulders. My shoulders have been really bothering me lately, i am assuming bc of new movements. Taking it easy tomorrow, i have learned i have to rest after a busy day. It is insane to me how little i am doing really in comparison to bf surgery and now. But I am doing more than I was-trying my hardest to get back. But this is just such a slow road. I am listening to my body bc I really have no choice.
I wonder if the shoulder pain is because of 1) the walking aids and 2) we use our arms more for manoeuvring our bodies around. In the early days I used my arms to pull my body into position in bed. Still do, though to a lesser extent.

Your frustration is mirrored here. I am back in jeans and tops today, which makes me feel more normal but I am still limping more than I would like. I want to burn my crutches and run up the garden! :) Progress is slow and, frankly, boring. Do you feel the same?
I'd agree that the shoulder pain is more than likely from the walking aids & applying more pressure to shoulders than they are accustomed to.
But we need them so we compromise.
I can't really remember when I just "accepted" the longer recovery than I expected but having an amazing partner really helps. I've always worked & been fiercely independent. Even though my partner & I are together 20 years we still maintain 50/50 share on bills & other activities like vacations. I'd pay for airfare, he'd pay for house to rent etc.
When I kept saying how much I wanted to get back to work he told me to relax & not worry about money, yeah right! But he took charge & everything fell into place.
Now I dog sit & make decent $$$.
We went to a wedding Saturday (actually my partner's oldest son), & brides sister had hip replacement about 6 months ago & she was telling me how she still has groin pain etc. I told her first year is hardest, 2nd year is the BEST! But not all of us recover in same way or same amount of time. If I could have recovered in 30 days I'd been back at my job but just didn't happen that way for me & I'm none the worse, just learned a few valuable lessons along the way.
Oh I’m jealous of jeans-I haven’t done that yet. Frankly because I feel like my rear end on my surgery side doesn’t look the same-YET. I still have swelling in my hip-I am not even sure I could put my jeans on-lol-but I’m ok with sweats & a shirt right now. You are so very lucky to have a partner that supports you. I am divorced-just last year. I am very independent though-so I’m handling it-but not without my family & fabulous friends!!

I am totally feeling the same. Valuable lessons learned here indeed!!

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