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THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing

So far, no new aches or pain arising with the snow. (Just still have the usual). And tonight is supposed to be worse! Snow stops this evening then even more frigid stuff hits us tonight. By the weekend we're supposed to be in 60s. Thank goodness. And yes, while it is a rarity and a sight to behold down here, I am none too happy about it. I've got a backyard full of gorgeous landscaping that I am afraid of losing. Hubby and I - well hubby (I directed) covered all the really tender stuff in the garden beds. But I've got a lot of shrubbery, small trees that I would hate losing. Supposedly the things we didn't cover can handle the cold temps. But when you throw in wind chill factor...I don't know. :boohoo:
Congratulations!! @myglasshalffull -on loosing 9lbs. That’s a big deal!! I had gained 10lbs over this but it is slowly coming off-the more active we get I think the weight comes off. I’ve just got a few more things to conquer-mostly in my head I think & just keep working on the ROM and I’m hopeful I’ll be back to close to where I was pre fall. Hoping!!!
Gentle stretching and letting the ROM improve naturally worked really well for me and allowed me to just get limber gradually. I can tuck my knee to my chin now or squat down with my butt brushing the floor without any problems. Don't overdo it!
@Noxus -OMG you can?? Amazing!! That is so encouraging. I know at this point to just keep practicing. I can definitely now tell it’s working just by gaging which part of my body depending on what stretch. My knee can get to my chin but my squats I’m still working on-I think some of it fear. But as I work out more I am definitely seeing improvement. I’m going to start wall squats and just continue to add time to them. I have a long way to go if I’m comparing to how fit I was pre fall, but if I look at how far I’ve come in 4.5 months I’m very happy with my progress!! Thank you for giving me some hope!!! Just still stiff at this point-hoping that gets better & better.
@ClownMagnet -oh you’re making me so warm inside!! lol I just love the beach. Please toast away!!! So far so good here in north Louisiana just so cold-south La got the worst of it. We will be back up in 60’s Saturday-YAY!!
@daisyduck0801 -I’ve seen pictures from New Orleans & Baton Rouge, so strange in our state. Hopefully your beautiful trees & plants will come back. Not much you can do about it, sadly. I’m so sorry, I know for us plant lovers it is very sad to see. I’m glad no new pain-mine isn’t either, which is good. As long as you keep power-you should be ok. A couple years ago-we had a terrible ice storm-no power & that’s when pipes start busting, etc. Our state is just not equipped for this kind of weather for long periods. Stay warm!!
@flamingoprint - I DID IT!! I took a long, wonderful BATH :bath: . It was glorious!! No issues whatsoever. I think my own fear had me so scared, but tonight-I tackled it. And I’m already looking forward to another one tomorrow. So I’m cheering you on over here!! You got this-hopefully soon you will be ready to take a soak.
Hi friends!! Hope everyone is doing well & healing right along. I am happy to say that at 20 weeks much of my life has returned to normal. I just today got rid of my very last “comfort zone” toilet raiser. I am a little late to the game-but I finally got the nerve up to do it. I’m still working on ROM & rarely am I swelling & tired. So YAY!! I made it-very thankful for this group and all the love & support I received. It has been a struggle but I am happy to finally feeling like “the old me mostly”. I suspect I will continue to improve. Hang in there everyone :loveshwr:
Woo hooo :loveshwr:
A great milestone!!!!
Hi BS friends!! Life is continuing to progress on. I actually did some weed pulling in my garden this morning, gardening has been so missed. Was not as comfortably easy as last year, the getting up & down-all the way down-is still challenging & both knees hurt. I have noticed that getting in & out of bath. So at gym I am trying to work on strengthening the muscles around my knees. I am still slow-but did have a good check up with my dr last week. So I’m just trucking along here. I believe almost 5 months out, recovery is just slow. So wherever you are in your recovery-just keep moving, listen to your body (that was a hard one for me) & don’t give up!!! :loveshwr: :loveshwr:
Hi msart. You give me hope when you talk about getting in your garden! I am so looking forward to that. Coincidentally, I had a fellow come over today to tidy up my front yard - pulling up dead stuff (from the snow/freeze), weeding, trimming, new mulch. I'm nowhere near ready to handle all that.

Interesting that you mention it's not as easy right now as it was last year (assuming you mean prior to surgery). Even though it was bone on bone osteoarthritis that prompted my THR, before surgery, I had zero problems getting myself into a variety of contorted positions in the garden beds. I even found that I felt slightly better after a few hours of weeding, trimming, etc. Gardening didn't bother me but walking long (er) distances did. Go figure.

Every now and then I feel a little something in my knee. Not too bad, but I noticed couple of nights ago some swelling.

However slow, it sounds like you continue to move in a good direction. Yay! Hopefully I'm right behind ya'. :egypdance: (I gotta go post an update over on my own thread. Been dealing with Mom stuff recently).
@daisyduck0801 -you assumed correctly, having just moved in this house last March I was just getting around to fixing up my yard when I had my fall, in September. So everything outside just got put on hold-I had started an area but it did not get completed. I had no problems last year & I definitely can tell a difference when getting down & up in my garden. I am only assuming that my muscles are no where near where they were last year-so hoping this is just going to take some time to rebuild them back up. I enjoy pulling the weeds too-crazy but true. I have to just take my time today & make sure you have a safe place for your feet & something to help u up & down, it worked but wasn’t easy. However, the enjoyment I get from being outside on this beautiful 75 degree windy day, digging in the dirt is so worth it!! You will get there & I am just going to keep trying to strengthen what I lost. We will get there!!!
Hi friends!! Another eventful week here-bf my fall I worked part-time at a local flower shop, I went back Monday. I would have gone back sooner, but she wasn’t too terribly busy & didn’t really need me. But this week-she needed me. And let me tell you-WOW. It was busy all week & my hip, legs & feet sure let me know it every evening. Working a full day, even at 5 months is hard stuff. I was on my feet all day, up & down, lifting flowers & boxes-completely out of my new norm-it was all good but I am definitely not the same as I was pre THR. I am hoping I am just getting stronger, not just going to be sore when I do a lot. But idk, guess time will tell. Happy Valentine’s Day friends. :loveshwr:
Aww fun! I always thought it would be nice to own a flower shop. I'm guessing the customers are normally happy, which would be refreshing. Great you made it back to work. I hope you're not sore tomorrow. You know the drill if you are. Lots of rest and some ice will go along way...if needed.
Fingers crossed you're all good in the morning. :fingersx:
Happy Valentine's Day! :loveshwr:
Flowers@Layla the absolute BEST thing about the flower shop if that people are seldomly upset. And I mean seldomly!! Everyone is happy to get flowers-especially when delivering-children & the elderly are the best!! In all the time I have worked there-there has only been 2 unhappy customers that I know of. And in my humble opinion, they were truly just being nitpicky-lol. it really is a super fun job, just Valentine’s Day so busy-which is good & expected.

I am sore tonight, probably why I’m not sleeping. Yes, I know the drill-thought I was way past that-but I guess not. Hopefully by morning everything settled down. I’m guessing a few more months time & this will stop? I’m hoping so!! :roseshwr:(Tried to find flowers, and this little guy popped up for roses-lol)
msart I totally hear you!
I went back to work this week too and have the aches.
Hoping it will settle soon.
Just when we thought we were getting there... boom.
I can sympathize with you going back to work, I tried at one year post op (I worked in super busy restaurant), & was ok for 3 weeks & then I wasn't!
But rest, ice & all those fun things we have to do once we over extend ourselves made me feel better & then I was just fine. I think my "apron" has been hung up for good! But I love the food service industry!
Mornin' ladies. Wanted to let you know how valuable it is to hear you talk about the ups and downs of your respective recoveries. You 3 are all ahead of me and we all know (from being Bonesmart members) the unpredictable nature of getting back to normal after THR. But it helps especially to hear how when you thought you were over some hump...well, you weren't completely. Puts things into perspective for those of us out here who are earlier on in our journeys. Personally, it helps me not to freak out every time things start feeling better, and then they don't. Thank y'all for that. :SUNsmile:
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