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THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing

To ALL-thank you so much for your kind praises. I think the worst part for me, obviously after the surgery is not having a Dr here where I live. But yet again, my surgeon & My Dr. stepped up & we are getting the job done. I am hopeful in next few months I can meet with a couple OS I have been looking at here and persuade one of them to take me on as a patient. But also that is where Bonesmart came in for me-so it’s been a win!! I can easily see how & why many people give up-this road is not an easy one, no matter if it’s done correctly or not. Glad we have found this wonderful support group-and we can cheer each other on. :loveshwr:
@flamingoprint -I sure hope the weather doesn’t get as badly as they are saying. And a BATH :bath: omg-I can not wait. I’m super close to conquering it. I have asked my best friend to come over and just stay in my house until I get out, just in case I need some help. I’m thinking after this storm & im going to give it a go! I’ll certainly lyk. And goodness you sure do need one after that walk.
I need to talk my husband into getting a hot tub for the backyard. We have the room. I'm sure it's something I (especially) would be using for the rest of our lives - especially after the hip surgery.:tada:
@flamingoprint -I sure hope the weather doesn’t get as badly as they are saying. And a BATH :bath: omg-I can not wait. I’m super close to conquering it. I have asked my best friend to come over and just stay in my house until I get out, just in case I need some help. I’m thinking after this storm & im going to give it a go! I’ll certainly lyk. And goodness you sure do need one after that walk.
Good luck!! We'll both be there soon! I'm going to have another try tomorrow...:fingersx: :fingersx::fingersx:
Regarding getting up after getting down. I have 3 stairs that go up into my family room (not sure how your place is set up or if you even have stairs), but I would sit on top step, lay down to do my back stretches then sit up & use my hand rail & 2 steps to pull myself back up. It was great!
Now I can kneel & get up no issue but sometimes it's these little things you would never think about trying are right there. Just dawned on me one day.
It is currently 29 degrees here in Louisiana-freezing cold!!! I am feeling this “Miss hip” in every step I take this cold morning. I may need to move to warmer weather!! lol if this keeps up I will be slow going this week-if weatherman is correct. Predicting snow Tuesday here which is unheard of.

Going to try to stretch her out-very curious to see how she will do. Anyone with any tips?
Now I can kneel & get up no issue but sometimes it's these little things you would never think about trying are right there. Just dawned on me one day.
Thanks mghf :) :-) (: Have been practising sitting down quite low using stairs since freed from the dreaded 90deg rule...makes it much easier to get up after. Also kneeling fairly easily (if not elegantly!) now. Still finding it hard to sit down on floor (or in bath) and then get up again without a hand rail though (or anything else to hold on to). The sides of the bath aren't really high enough to be much help. Just managed it in an empty bath today but getting up was hard, needed help from OH. Probably better without socks and with a non slip mat in the bottom of the bath!
msart, oh Lordy! What you've got up there now is headed our way tomorrow. I admit, I am getting nervous about what the freezing temps will make my hip feel like - possibly like I've got a Popsicle in there? Pretty sure already that I overdid it today. Was in the backyard with hubby directing as to what tender plants in the landscape needed to be protected. Even though he did the heavy lifting I was still walking (with the walker) through grass to point out to him what to cover up. I'll be surprised if I haven't earned myself a trip (again) to the ODIC.
Brrr@daisyduck0801-oh!!! You just gave me a wonderful idea-a hot tub!!! lol-that would be a wonderful addition to my new house and I bet it would feel wonderful in the coming years for my hip. Hummm

I see it is headed your way, hopefully it won’t be too terribly bad. Today, I have had a little discomfort & a few sharp pains but nothing too terrible. I haven’t felt like there is a popsicle in my hip-ha!! I have tried to keep myself very warm though. I have been extremely stiff, more than normal. I think it is the cold. Keep me posted on the weather if you can, they are saying Tuesday will be the worst. It will be 21 TONIGHT-omg!! No thank you. :ice: I couldn’t find freezing but thought this ice would do-lol
Low tonight is supposed to be 28 to 30. Tomorrow night going into Tuesday supposed to get down to 23. The snow is supposed to start early Tuesday morning, peaks at about noon, and tapers off about 5. Tuesday night and all day Wednesday are supposed to be frigid (20s). Things will maybe start warming up Thursday.

Have to say, I just don't get how folks can live places where this kind of weather is a regular thing.
@daisyduck0801 we will just have to wait & see what happens. I’ve said I want to be a weatherman when I grow up, bc they get paid for being wrong!! Idk if it is like that in other parts of the world but in my part-they are hardly right. We also have an air force base here, Barksdale, so the running joke here is called, the barksdale bubble. The claim is that everything misses us bc of the bubble around the base. Of course, who knows really. But it is a strange phenomenon. :spin:
It's winter! We had about 4 inches of snow overnight, it was in 40's yesterday until late afternoon then started snowing around 8. Now we are going into DEEP freeze for next two days with temps in minus category! Yikes. guess where I'll be the house!
Stay safe & warm.
@DaisyDuck , @msart ,
Yikes, as I read how your FREEZING COLD weather you both have now where you live. I am in the lower part of the SW desert, (in USA) where we suffer 105 FARENHEIT plus DEGREES from ABOUT May to October, with VERY LOW HUMIDITY. [Like a warm oven].
But winter HERE has near freezing temperatures at night, which has me sleeping with gloves on both hands, heavy sox, while lying underneath an electric blanket on high!!!! Want to know if this climate appeals to anyone who currently lives in Snow, Freezing temperatures or has very humid summers!!! ?????
Wow Hippy. Didn't realize the desert gets that cold at night. Tell ya' what though. I've been in Vegas in September (100 degrees or higher). And I find it easier to handle the dry heat than the wet heat that we have down here. Local news said that the snow we're getting tomorrow will rival a record set in 1895 when New Orleans got 10" of snow. We might get 5 to 8 or possibly 10 inches in places. Snow is even expected on the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico! What a mad scientist the weather is! :flabber:
I agree with @daisyduck0801 @2nd Hippy -ive been in Vegas & AZ and the heat there is so different from the humid, muggy stuff we have here. Looks like the weather, snow, is headed down south. I read the same thing today about 1895, isn’t it crazy? Duck-stay safe, looks like it’s just freezing cold here. I’m staying warm. I can not wait until spring!! Good news today-I can FINALLY wear my jeans. Which is kinda a big deal bc I was not going to buy anymore-tee hee. I guess muscles do have memory and everything starting its return to normal on my body. I tried them ALL on a couple months ago, and said to hell with it and I have been living in sweatpants. Well I gave it a go today-and what do u know-they fit. So today is a good day!!
Congrats on getting into your jeans!
I live in pull on pants & in summer dresses. Easy.
Love pulling a casual dress over my head & going on with the day.
I had my yearly physical last week & since last March I've lost 9lbs! I'm not dieting that's for sure must be all those 6 mile walks!
Congratulations!! @myglasshalffull -on loosing 9lbs. That’s a big deal!! I had gained 10lbs over this but it is slowly coming off-the more active we get I think the weight comes off. I’ve just got a few more things to conquer-mostly in my head I think & just keep working on the ROM and I’m hopeful I’ll be back to close to where I was pre fall. Hoping!!!
@daisyduck0801 -i think yall got SNOW!! It missed us but it is still so cold. It’s such a rarity for snow in the south & certainly way down south. So I’m sure it’s a beautiful site to see!!!
I’m thinking about y’all freezing your glutes off in Louisiana, feeling great sympathy from a lounger next to the pool here in Costa Rica where I’m enjoying a tropical smoothie and toasting in your honor. Stay warm and don’t let your shiny new hardware develop icicles! :angel:
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