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THR THR Posterior - Slowly Healing

So Monday & Tuesday I was feeling really good, sun has been shining & I decided I was going to start tackling my “to-do” list I’ve been making the past few months. I was still a little bit sore from Sunday, but I handled it. Well today-obviously I need a rest day. Went to the grocery & about halfway through I noticed my hip getting very sore & the awful limp started up. So I checked out & came on home. So I have called it a day today. No more errands or doing my busy work here-going to find something on Netflix or Hulu & just rest & relax. Now that I finally understand & know how this works, it’s easier for me just to stop what I’m doing & relax this hip.

hope everyone is having a wonderful day-hang in there!! Happy healing :loveshwr:
Learning to heed our bodies maybethe greatest takeaway for us with these surgeries!
@mendogal -it’s so hard. Bc one would think if you’re feeling good & bones healed up-it should continue. Seems that it not the case. I guess it gets better over time? I guess you have to figure it out as you go? Dang it!!! :umm:
Hi msart. Sounds like you hit a snag? But perfectly normal, right? I remember pretty much all bonesmart staff tells us full recovery takes a year or so. But it's gotta be hard. You string together a stretch of really nice days and then wham! Your hip reminds you "not so fast honey, I'm not done yet." :umm:

But still, look at far you got! And no doubt, will get right back there. I can only dream about being (in my recovery) where you are.

Oh, and BTW, seems that all of us Louisianaians are in for some really nasty icy conditions early next week. Even where we are might see below freezing temps. Ugh. I HATE the cold!
@daisyduck0801-you will get there-you will!!! And you have all of us on BS to encourage you along the way!! Look at all the progress YOU have made!! Sometimes I go back & read my thread-just to remind myself, “you’ve come a long way, baby!!” :loveshwr:

It is so easy to get down about it, but I will say at this point in my recovery-the rebound comes fairly quick. One night or day of rest & I’ll feel pretty good. However, now there is a little reminder in my head that is super aware of just how quick & easy it is to go over that fine line. So learning, still.

And YES-on weather. I am not thrilled about it either. I think supposed to drop here Sunday night & last all next week. Not looking forward to it & I won’t have a fire going. I had the fireplace people here today & something has to be fixed, so not great timing. Good thing I have a handy electric blanket-bc brrrrr.
@flamingoprint -i did remember to ask the fireplace man today & it is a wood stove fireplace. He has to come back & fix something, that I don’t understand but I want it safe to build a fire. And he went over everything with me today-so I am not educated on my fireplace-lol. I did have to actually stick my head in there (kind of) today & man was it difficult to get up. But I did it!! Hope that helps you in deciding what to get! And my friend sent me this today & I thought it was funny!! Enjoy!!


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Cute cartoon!
You will find at this point in your recovery a good rest day or two will have you back in action.
We've already spoke about "Miss Hip" running the show. I think she needs to still feel "in charge" now & then!
@myglasshalffull -i think you are right, I’m still feeling her today, still sore. But I’m going to do my 30 min at gym today, but go light. I know this is probably tmi-but I see this skin just hanging-I want there to be a day when that skin hanging is gone & my muscles are somewhat back!! I’m hyper aware that my left leg muscle mass has significantly decreased. It takes a very short amount of time for that to happen & so dang long to build it up. I totally see why people just give up. Sadly.

And I just had to share that cartoon!! lol
Off handed question smart. The stem on your implant, is it metal or some other material?
And, if it's metal, do you find you feel discomfort when the temp drops really really low. Was speaking with someone recently who swears they can detect upcoming weather changes by a certain feel in their implant. I haven't noticed or paid attention to anything like that.
@daisyduck0801 YES-I can. But I am also already hyper aware because of my rheumatoid arthritis. I can definitely tell when weather is about to change in my hip as well. But I have noticed it being cold or anything, I just notice my body sore. My implant is made from titanium from the manufacturer, smith & nephew. If you are able I would recommend finding out that information, mine was located online. It will have make, model number, supplies used-I emailed it all to myself. Just in case. A friend told me to do that, bc sometimes there are issues. And goodness knows I don’t want any more issues!!!
Hi msart. Got another question for ya'.

I know you had 2 surgeries in a few days. And the 2nd surgery was to correct the placement of your implant. But how did they determine that the implant was improperly placed the first time? Was it just by looking at an x-ray? Were you having excruciating pain?
@daisyduck0801-ok so my first surgery was an emergency so I was “worked in”, never a great idea. I had gone 20yrs no food, water, etc & they do the surgery late that night. I’m still in shock & drugged up. The next morning, EARLY, like 5am in comes this guy and transfers me to a stretcher thing, I’m barely awake still highly medicated-asking “where are you taking me?” He says CAT scan. I still don’t comprehend what’s going friend who is a nurse that had driven to Texas to be with me told me later, she knew this was not good. So I go to get scan-come back & that afternoon PT comes & gets me up. Painful!! I walked like 2ft-with assistance, but my foot was literally dragging. Nothing was working correctly & the pain was so severe. Pt left, about an hour later the surgeon comes in and pulls up a chair. Still no clue, still in shock, still was not comprehending what even was going on. He stays for over an hour, goes over images, surgery, etc with my friend & keeps asking if I understand. I did not really honestly, later of course I did. All I heard was, I could let you go home like this & you will have trouble walking for the rest of your life, I have made 2 mistakes in my 35 yr career and your one of them. I would like to fix it. And I sat there & thought this man has been more honest with me than my ex husband & I agreed for a repeat Monday morning at 6am.

Later, I think about it-I am very grateful he was honest. Bc knowing what I know about this recovery, I don’t think I would have known until much later. Bc even if the surgery is correct there is still a lot of pain. Personally, I think he was tired, having done surgeries all day & rpushed. My 2nd one was an entirely different ball game, even the CEO of the department was in on my surgery. I’m sure everyone was watching no more mistakes were made on me, there were at least 40 people in my operating room from what I remember bf I was knocked out. Surgery took 6 hrs.

Jeez, I didn’t know I was writing a book tonight!! lol I don’t mind sharing any information.
:curtsey:I guess I forgot to say yes it was very painful and my foot was dragging like completely. It is already so hard to walk anyway right after surgery, I didn’t really know what was going on. My surgeon had gone home and apparently kept thinking about the surgery so ordered the Ct scan, to which I am so thankful he did. And the rest is history. And so here I am-happily healing away, slowly, but still healing.
That's an incredible story & thankful your doctor was honest with you. Trust me, they were probably very worried you would sue them! That's why many doctors no longer want to practice because the malpractice insurance is so expensive & people are very litigious. All you see on TV all day are ads to sue for slightest issue. So sorry you had to go through this but thankfully you are recovering.
Geez msart! What a nightmare!

I'll tell ya' what though. The chipper attitude that you have today (after going through that) is a testament to your strength girlie. I know it's always easier to have a good attitude when you're months away from the original "incident." But still. You should be very proud of yourself.

Here's to hoping that the upcoming Artic blast doesn't wreak havoc on our implants :wink: (I'm already dreading what the extreme cold might make my implant feel like. Me and my health anxiety. (Sigh)). There's a chance that even we might get snow all the way down here. It's gotta be crazy cold for that to happen. :groan:
@msart, I am sending you countless Praises after reading your details of what you've been through. Hard to think that Not All O.S. surgeons are
Continued from avove....hit send too soon.
......Surgeons are as honest as yours. Love your comparing your EX HUSBAND'S HONESTY !!!! OR DISHONESTY.....
You've been through so much, and now with a smile. You're an amazing inspiration to anyone dealing with post-op THR. THANKS for sharing your experiences.

2nd Hippy
Agree with all the comments msart - your attitude is brilliant. You've really looked at the best in what happened to you - a lot of people (sadly, probably me included) would have just felt anger...instead of which, you're praising your surgeon for his honesty (which I can also see is fair). Respect! May all that come back to you in spades with your health and recovery and refinding all the joys in your life.
Thank you too for asking about the stove, it's given us some ideas. Nothing like sitting in front of a warm and comforting blaze to make everything feel much more bearable.
I shouldn't grumble - at last I can dry between my own toes now(though can't cut my toenails yet or do up my own walking boot laces)!! Also practising kneeling and then sitting down on the floor - not too bad till I have to get up again...I'm going to get in that bath soon if it kills me...:bath:
I could do with one right now - just been for a 31/2 mile hike through the woods (with far too much uphill) and am VERY stiff now.

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