My I T Band is still very stiff when I try to bend my knee. After it is pushed to bend my knee, it hurts a lot when I try to straighten it again at first. My ROM 92 degrees now, so it has improved a bit, but I am still permanantly swollen and stiff, like a tight band around my leg, even when I have been resting it all night. I am 15 weeks P O now.
Do you think if I got a massage on my leg it would help to release it? The massaeuse my daughter has does quite vigorous massages to release her back muscles when they get knotted up really bad. I don't know if this band could be loosened like this? Or do you think it might still be a case for MUA?
Have a great weekend. How is your weather?
Thanks. (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))), Sue