This may sound really strange

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junior member
Nov 6, 2007
IL, United States
This may sound strange - and if you want to laugh - please go right ahead - but its bugging me. I had the TKR 12 weeks ago and have been in therapy 3 times/week. Now - I am NOT a hairy person. Never really had to shave my legs very often. I am female, but have never had hair on my knees EVER.....until now - but only on the surgical knee. Is this normal? Could it be from all the massage that all of a sudden the hair is growing? I am 54 yrs old. Any ideas??? Go ahead - laugh!!! :)
Oh my! No I have never heard of that before! And I cannot begin to think why it should happen and only on one leg. How bizarre!
When we were little kids, one of a group of friends said that if you shave your legs the hair will grow thicker and faster...... Needless to say, I experimented and determined at the time it was true!!! I stopped shaving sometime after that and noticed that the hair got less and less. In adulthood, I didn't bother shaving as the hair was so sparse....

Is there a chance that in the prep process pre op, the hair on your leg was shaved for you... and now the hair grows thick and fast!?!!?
I have heard that the idea that the more you shave the more hair grows is an old wive's tale. (when I was growing up, I tried to shave a lot to get a full thik beard...shaved and shaved, but the beard was whait it was, and still is to this day. What could be happening is that, due to surgery and the trauma resulting from it, your body is responding by growing skin cells and other cells faster than normal in the surgical area. Just a thought...

Tim C.
My only other thought is that it could be hormonal---how the body responds to trauma and the relasing of hormones. Other than that, I have no clue.

Tim C.
I have heard that the idea that the more you shave the more hair grows is an old wive's tale. (when I was growing up, I tried to shave a lot to get a full thick beard...shaved and shaved, but the beard was what it was, and still is to this day.

Oh ref - that was definitely a ROTFLMBO moment! Such desperate measures you young men are sometimes driven to!
Thanks for all the input. I think I will have to ask the doc about this. It is just so weird!!!
Actually - this sounds good to me!!

"What could be happening is that, due to surgery and the trauma resulting from it, your body is responding by growing skin cells and other cells faster than normal in the surgical area. Just a thought..."
Perhaps a glossary needs to be created for this forum..... Have worked out most of the acronyms used, but Josephine what on earth is "a ROTFLMBO moment"!

You got it, ref!!

I was too polite to use the 'A' version!
OMG I have had the same thing. And even stranger, with both knees replaced it is only the right one that has had the increase of hair!
This just gets more and more bizarre!!
HA!!! I need to have the other knee done, I will let you know if it happens on that one. I asked my doc about it and he said he had never seen it PT says she HAS seen it.....go figure!!!
I was just thinking the same thing this morning looking at my right leg. I'm not hairy and usually shave my legs once every few weeks in the winter but wow--it's a blonde forest. I'll ask my PT if she has any thoughts about this.
Okay, I thought you all were nuts, but I've noticed I have blonde fuzz all around the incision on my knee. Lots more than before the surgery. This is so strange!!
Maybe I should get you all to send in photographs and write up a paper on it!!
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