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Third hip replacement in the near future

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Dec 23, 2007
United States
I crushed my hip in 1949 and walked for 30 years with a Whitman's Reconstruction (no joint,but a screw holding my femur in the socket). I had a total hip replacement done in 1979(48 years old) and got along great after rebuilding muscles-worked and played golf,no tennis nor jogging.I was so active I wore it out in 13 years and had to take it out and put another one in (1992).The second hip is now almost 16 years old and I'm beginning to have some discomfort and will probably have to have it replaced soon.

My concern is getting this second hip joint out without splitting the femur and getting another prothesis to go in and hold. I am now 76 years old and have had 2 back surgeries to correct the scolosis and spondolosis all of which came from the way I walked using my tail bone for the 30 years without a hip joint.Hope you will read and respond to this long epistle. Thanks.
Not a long epistle at all, carybw! And welcome to the forum.

My, you could almost write a book with your experience! I expect the prospect of yet another surgery is not exactly the Christmas present you wanted this year!

So far as removing the old prosthesis, There are techniques and specialised equipment to help them do that so I would worry about it. As for having the new prosthesis 'hold' that is down to the bone cement. As you can see in this picture, the cement (the white) acts as a kind of filler between the bone and the metal and helps to secure the prosthesis.

[] Third hip replacement in the near future
Thank you, Josephine, for your comments. My concern also is how long do I wait to have it done--is there a danger of doing harm to the joint that would complicate the new hip replacement,or do I just wait until I have to have some relief. Thanks. Carey.
You won't damage the hip as such - it's already artificial! (Just teasing!) But no, the only thing that governs the 'when' is your level of discomfort and the radiological findings on the state of wear. I would make a point of arranging regular reviews of this, maybe every 3-6 months or so.
When I had my first total hip replaced I had waited a little too long and the" hip ball" had worn through the polyetylene liner (cup) and chewed up some bone that required some fusion to restore the socket area to prepare it to receive the prosthesis. I want to avoid that from happening again and I'm sure what I have now is better than what I had the first time--technology advances in the 13 year period.My current hip is almost 16 years old.
My current hip is almost 16 years old.

Whoa!! That's terrific! Did you read the first (stickied) thread in this forum? About the lady who has had her hip for 40 years!?
Careybw, I'm also looking at a revision to my hip which is 21 years old. What needs to get done is really up to your doctor and the type of prosthesis that's in there now. It sounds like you have not had any serious discussions with your surgeon. If the prosthesis is still made and in good condition, the doctor may just replace the ball. The socket depends on the make and liner, which need to be compatible with the ball. Find the most experienced surgeon you can find and get some answeres.

I know I'm younger than you but I'm on my 5th hip - technology is moving so fast trust your surgeon!
Karen, thanks for your reply- wow! you are younger than I and you are on your 5th hip--bless you girl.The two total hips that I have were done at Duke and I am in contact with them to have this one looked at for a diagnosis. It's interesting to read all of your experiences--thanks for sharing. Carey.
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