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Things that go thump (clunk) in the night...

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May 24, 2009
Durham, North Carolina
United States United States
Okay...this is one of those questions that have been asked a thousand times...but I need to ask one more time.

I have recently doing a different part of my job that requires getting up from a chair many times in the day. Of course the chairs tend to be a little lower than most that I have at home. So recently, I have noticed that my knee sees to be popping and clunking more and is slightly uncomfortable. One task that has also gotten difficult is stepping up onto a curb...forget stairs.

I know that the knee is fine (I tell myself that). There does not appear to be any obvious swelling. I suspect that there is probably some internal swelling and muscle weakness.

I do my quad building exercises almost every day. I feel like my ROM is reasonable...better than 100.

I take Mobic(NSAID) daily, tylenol as needed.

Does anyone have some ideas or suggestions to help decrease the popping,clunking,thumping.
Well, for one thing...when you are trying to build muscles, you need to do the exercises no more frequently than every other day. You "break down" the muscles slightly with the exercise and the day in between allows them to rebuild themselves stronger.

Then too, if you are doing the same exercise over a long period of time, you need to change it up. Your muscles "learn" a particular exercise over a few weeks and then it is no longer challenging. You can also change the number of reps you do in each set up to a maximum of 25. No more than 3 sets with a minute or so rest in between.

This does sound like you need to build the quads more. What exercises and how much are you now doing?

1. ankle stretches and circles 10 X 3
2. heel slides--15 reps X2
3. Straight leg raises--5.25# weights 10 X 3 (add weight about every third week)
4. Side leg raises--as above
5. Sitting on side of bed leg raises as above
6. Supported leg raises on ball as above
7. the "butt mash" exercises
8. toe raises
9 ball squeeze as above
10. hamstring stretches
11. resistance band stretches--back, forward, both sides.
12. marching in place

One I need to work on is stepping up on a step and then down to build that upper strenght.

I have not done squats because my PT did not show me how to do them. (Tried once with a ball in back of me and ended up in tears for fear of falling) (I have another bad leg to be replaced so the one legged things are hard to do--and things that require bending both knees are a challenge)
Hey Barb are those the exercises you do.........Thank is a mazing you are my have some much self confidence you have no idea im immpressed......i think you are an amazing person and are doing a great job corny i know but i had to say that........)
I think the clunking i ok so many people say it just keep an eye on it that is doesnt get wosrse.........big hug,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Barb, those exercises are pretty basic ones. Since your surgery was in April, if you can maybe you should move into some exercises that more specifically target your quads.

Squats are good. You stand just in front of a chair and thrust your bottom out, bending at the knees like you are going to sit in the chair but you don't. Use your arms at your sides and bent with fists out forward to help you balance. Start with just a slight bend and then increase the bend as you get better and better.

Also, work on a stairway with a railing so you can hold on. Go up the stairs using your operated leg to pull your body up. Then go up sideways with the operated leg first. Finally, the most difficult....start up a step or so and bend your operated leg as if you were going to step down. Don't make the full step, but instead go back to the starting position. At first you may not be able to take much of a step down, but work on it. You should do maybe 5 reps with 3 sets to start and work up to 10 or 15 reps. By that time you should be able to go up and down stairs.

Bike riding is good also if you have access to a stationary bike.
They all should help you with ROM also as you'll hopefully be increasingly bending your knee. Let us know how it goes after a week or so!
Stationery bike is on my want list....a new furnace came first :shk:. Th ere was frost on my car this morning..I appreciated the heat!:thmb:

So let me be sure I am understanding correctly.

I should be doing my weight exercises every other day..leg raises. Strengtening exercises like squats, heel slides, resistance bands, stair climbing...should those be done daily or every other day as well?

Repeat each exercise three times..take a minibreak and do another set..take a minibreak...and repeat. As the exercise becomes easier increast the number of times you do the exercise? I know this sounds simplicitic...but I want to do it right!

I know my PT said that daily for biking and stretches.
You have it exactly 100% correct, Barb. Sounds like a plan.
Jamie...I think we are getting close to the key to clunking. My R knee is indeed a bit quieter except when I am sitting in a chair doing weighted leg rasises. The strenght in my R leg has significantly increased. I will continue working on your suggests.

I am going to get a cortisone shot in my left knee this will make any weight bearing exercises a bunch easier since the L knee locks up when I exercise or walk or sit....LOL! (I got a shot about three months ago and my L knee was doing so well, I was wondering if I really needed to get it replaced...guess it showed me!!:evil:).

I so appreciate your help! :bow:We need to find you a name like Jo's mother hen...."super heroine" or ????? A.nyway you are an awesome moderator
Very interesting thread, I am taking notes on your exercising and Jamie's recommendations.

I must agree, Jamie, you are so valuable to us as a moderator. Thanks to you and Jo, we have such great resources.

It seems so simple, but reading other people's questions and hearing the answers is so great. It reinforces that we are not alone, and gives us great information to apply in our own recovery.

:blush: Thank you so much for the're so sweet! You ARE making me blush, though....

Just glad my words are able to help. Comments like yours are a fantastic reward.
Just wanted to report a little progress..

Last week was an absolutely aweful pain week for me. Our weather was cool, wet..cooler, wetter...warmer, wetter. So by Wednesday I was so uncomfortable that I was not able to do exercises to know if I was clunking!

Thursday I went to the OS' s PA and got the most wonderful, miraculouse cortisone shot in my bad knee. It now has no pain and yesterday, did the whole schmear of exercise. No clunks or thunks. :D

I am finding as I use the exercises suggested by Jaimie that I am able to stand longer and walk farther without my constant companion "Fred the Cane". :hehe:
Glad to hear of the improvement Barb. I got a cortizone shot in my left knee that worked instantly and wonderfully. I won't tell you for how long!!
Thanks for the feedback on the exercises, Barb. So glad they are helping you. Which ones are you doing that are working?
Great! I'm so glad that is working for you. Keep up the great work. Your dedication will pay off.
Hey Barb how are you .......Just cking in how was work ........Hope you not still clunking in the night..........)...miss ya

I have no regrets on changing positions at work. I would say that I have almost returned to a much less stressed person who can come home and leave work behind!
My husband can hardly believe I am usually home before 5:30.

Otherwise, I am doing pretty well. I am in North Carolina visiting with my daughter and her hubby. Talk about totally worthless...I have played on the computer, worked on my Spanish lessons, watched TV and eaten. We went to Wide Shoe Warehouse yesterday and come home with nothing. We went to BabysRUs today and came back with nothing...something is really wrong.

I must tell the story from work last week....TOM if you are reading this you will relate...!!!!:whis: We have office type chairs but they have vinyl seats and backs. I was sitting in my chair reaching into the bottom cabinet....and the next thing I knew, my chair was going left and I was going DOWN on my behind with a thump!!! First time I have fallen since my RTKR. After I shooed everyrone away I got my supervisor to bring a chair without wheels. Turned over and tried to put my new knee down on concrete tiled floor...did NOT work. So I put the bad one down and got up using my new knee as the power. Must admit the worst thing hurt was my pride! Knees are a little bruised but ice and elevate

Glad you are doing so well this time around! You are deserve a better recovery.
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