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Thigh bruising

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Aug 5, 2009
Hi every 1, hope all doing well. It is now 12 days since LTNR. I had problems with nerves in lower ankle and foot area and that not as bad now. I had bruising in lower leg(calf) and is now turning yellow. But now my thigh is showing bruising on the inside of it from behind knee up to groin on on side , then on other side of knee all way up thigh to. I have been icing and elevating much more regular. Is this bruising normal is what im a wondering. have a great day all
Sometimes people have a leaky wound - not leaky to the outside but leaky inside. And that shows up like bruising all over the place.

I have reread all your previous posts and nowhere have you said you've discussed this with your surgeons. Have you informed him about this? If not, you should and pronto! He might have an answer but more importantly, he might have a concern as well. Do please ring him today.
I agree with Jo. She knows what she's talking about. Please call your OS and let him know.

I did have some deep bruising that took awhile to surface, but I don't remember it being 12 days. Hope you get some answers and relief soon.

These guys are right on the mark, with your surgeon and possibly go in for a quick check as soon as possible just to be sure things are okay.
Heu Joe Good Luck to you..I wish you the best......Call your Dr...Better be safe then sorry !!!!!!!!!!!:)
My foot and ankle was so black and blue my therapist sent me to my family dr who then sent me to the hospital to check for any blood clots. Thank goodness I was okay. I had asked my surgeon about this and he said that the blood pooling around my ankle and foot was probably due to the blood thinner (lovenox) I was taking. He still recommends me to do the shots(lovenox) again on my second tkr.
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