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The knot in my stomach....

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Jul 28, 2009
United States United States
is getting bigger. I just got the insurance approval in the mail. That somehow makes it all the more real. At least I can still say "It's NEXT month" (well, for a few more days). I know this is the right (and only) thing to do, but that doesn't keep me from being a nervous wreck. I just wish it were over already.
Thanks so much for everyone on here who has shared their story and expertise.
Beach!! Yes!!! Upcoming surgery is always overwhelming! In mindset and inactuality! Just think how much pain and discomfort you're in now....with all the limitations you impose on yourself! Then think how much better you are going to feel in the long run!!! Its a win-win for you!!!All the best! I'm excited for you!!! ((:0)
Beachbum, we can be nervous together, I'm having mine just 3 days after you.
Hey Beach i know it scary the unknown bur you will be fine......We will all be here for ya as well.....Hang in there...............) Glad everything is taken care of so far............)
I'm on my way to the beach for a "medically necessary" beach break before surgery.... gonna relax and chill for a few days.
I wasn't nervous at all leading up to my surgery. I went into this thing with a big, goofy grin and all "thumbs-up" (which is over-evident in the photos I took the day OF surgery and the one photo right after surgery my daughter took for me). I was really excited about the aspect of being able to move and do things and exercise again.

Then, about two days later, the whole "Oh, what have I done to myself?" hit me.

I used to say I wish I had found this site before my surgery, so I could have gone in with a bit more realistic view of what I was doing (my doctor did inform me, I took a class, but I remained deluded!). But after hearing about how nervous some of you all were and are, I'm kind of glad now I was all goofy and "thumbs up" about it.

I wish I could give you advice to soothe your nerves. Other than this: "This is the light at the end of the tunnel. At the end, you'll be glad you did this..."

It sounds pretty lame right now, but it is true. When you are home and things start feeling normal again, you will be happier.

Good luck to you and to Bunny. :wink:
Thanks Froggie. Unfortunately, I know too much to go in calm, LOL.
Beachbum...You will be just fine. We all felt anxious before our surgery. It's natural but we are here for you anytime of the day or night!Feel free to post anytime and ask anything!!

Same goes for you Terri!
Thanks Froggie. Unfortunately, I know too much to go in calm, LOL.
Oh, I knew too much too... I just, for some reason, I just didn't let it apply to me. I really don't know WHAT I was thinking!

I guess I was just so tired of the pain and the three-year run-around I got from my doctor that I was just so relieved. But I look back at those pictures of myself, all smile-y and :thmb: and just laugh... "Oh, you poor deluded soul..." :hehe:
I think if I had not had a few surgeries along the way I might be less freaked out. I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but I'm always afraid that this one might be the one to get me! I follow dr. orders to the T, and my PT (at least the one I hope they let me use, don't know why they wouldn't, my OS did her shoulder surgery, too!) is a friend, so she will so beat my butt if I don't do right!
You will be FINE, Beach.....and REPEAT!!!! :evil:
Honestly it isnt as bad as it sounds, or at least mine wasnt. Its all in your head, just be positive and do everything your told to do and you will be fine. I was expecting it to be in a lot of pain after the surgery but they did a nerve block that lasted about 3 days and really I never was in very much pain, the PT is the worst part of it but just do it as told and everything will be just fine, I had a bone broken and a blood clot due to the surgery and it was still a peice of cake.
Hi Beach---You'll be fine. You'll be on the road to recovery before you know it.

I'm an RN--and I was very nervous before surgery---I exercised my quads/rest of my body as much as I could before the surgery---even did 100 leg lifts with 2.5 leg weights--of course my bad knee hurt like crazy while I was doing them!

Fast forward to 7 weeks post surgery--I'm doing GREAT. I actually have had minimal pain---did not need any pain meds after 2 weeks--I do think this is unusual though. So the extreme pain I anticipated did not happen for me. I am so grateful for my new knee---I am getting back to an active lifestyle (working on Rom ,walking, exercise bike and other exercises---trying to progress slowly a bit at a time each day) and I now don't limp---PRICELESS.
Got to say - my pain was nowhere near what I'd expected either! And was fairly easily controlled with Tramadol, acetominophen and ice (God bless the ice!) I did pretty well too but didn't stop taking the meds for it until about 2½ months - and then the other knee kicked in, so am still taking something! Grrrr!
Like sykeRN my RTKR was a piece of cake. No regular pain meds after two weeks and back to work at three weeks. Like Josephine my left knee protested mightily to the rehab, but my right knee is great. However I am still nervous about my LTKR next week. I had also been doing exercises to build the leg muscles and my doctor really thought they paid off. That is the first thing he tells his patients now. Among other exercises, I have been doing 120-130 leg lifts a day with a 2 pound weight so my left leg should be even stonger than my right leg was. Now when I walk it goes - right foot step, left foot pain, right foot step, left foot pain. Soon that will be over!:thmb:
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