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The Hip Pre-Operating List...Let's keep up with you.....

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Apr 29, 2008
West Texas - United States
For those that are having surgery in the near your date and what kind of HIP surgery you plan to have so we can keep up with you.....

O.K. This is an old hip as of Feb. 26, 2008 just copying the KNEE side...What a great idea to keep everyone posted on when you have surgery so we can keep up with you......There will be a Post-op side also....Patty
Left THR ceramic on ceramic July 21st
Tracey (35yr old female)
Hi patty
Not long now really busy time at the moment kids seem to have something going on everyday and two of them have birthdays shortly after the op so i am trying to organise everything before i go in, the time is gonna fly by!
Hi Traceyleth,
I am a 3 week old right hip. How old are your kids? Ihave 4 although I am 51 and mine are older than yours so a little more independant.
But, my 13 year old has finally stopped asking me for rides. Still every day she says....whaat are we going to do today....

You are right the 3 weeks will fly by. I had planned on so many things to get ready. I didn't accomplish many of them, but the last few days I didn't care.

i'll be thinking of you. Write any time with any questions or emotions!! It is all very fresh in my mind
Hi Judy

I have three children my oldest daughter is 13 my son is 12 and my youngest daughter is 7. I have put off having surgery for the last few years as i felt i could manage with the pain and i wanted the children to be a bit older. Its been hard but i still feel now is the right time it would of been more difficult if they were all five years younger. My family are spread far and wide and all my friends have young families and jobs and i hate to ask favours. My husband is great but works 14 hour days so is not around much. Everyone is being really kind and offering help for after the surgery and i will no doubt take them up on their kind offers. I have been really touched by how many people have offered help. My husband will take 2 weeks (maybe 3) off and my mum can come and stay after that if i still need help. Its hard to tell some people who's blogs i've read seem to breeze through it ohters not so i guess i will just have to wait and see. I have had trouble with the pelvis/hip since my first pregnancy and have been limping since having my youngest so although i keep active i would certainly not describe myself as fit and am assuming that years of limping will take weeks(if not months) of PT to put right.
Thank you for your post and i will certainly post again if i have anything to ask before the op
Hi Joyce,
Welcome to the best support group ever!!!
I had a posterior approach right hip about 3 and one half weeks ago. I hear the anterior approach is less painful and does not have all the restrictions our posterior does.
It will be interestting to see the difference . Hopefully you will keep posting and let us know
Hi Traceyleth,

It sounds like you will be fine with all the support you have.
I don't remember when my hip started bothering me. I just remember when I was in labor with my last(13 year old daughter) and I decided I was too old for the natural childbirth, I had an epidural. I remember saying that my hip still hurt!!! So more than 13 years.
I still was very active, but a runnner friend always told me I should get checked out as I ran funny.
I have had lots of pt for back,neck,knee,calf issues. I think with a few one month breaks I had been going for 2 years!!!!
My OS when I first met him pointed out the difference in leg size. My right side had far less muscle than my left from years of not using it fully.

OK now I am rambling.
I am not sure how I am progressing. I would say average to slow. The first 2 weeks are the most needy. At that point for in the house I started using one crutch so I could carry things. I am not standing in the kitchen cooking, but getting myself something simple. Of coures your kids will require more than mine.

You will do just fine. You will feeel so much better after one week , then 2 weeks.
Better stop now
Hey Joyce,
He's my Doc too. I am scheduled for Aug 12th to have both done at once. Still battling to make it happen as I had a major DVT on June 6th. But things are looking up.

Keep us posted.

Hi, everyone,

I'm 65, and am scheduled for a LTHR on August 15 at Duke with Dr. David Attarian. I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and a hip that hurts like heck. What can I do about the pain in my hip prior to surgery? It is almost unbearable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Alice,
What I did prior to surgery was get a prescription for vicodin. I asked my OS for something for pain until surgery so I could remain active. That is what he gave me.
right THR June 6,2008
Thanks Judy its helping knowing what your (and everybody elses) recovery is going like, it gives me realistic expectations of what it will be like for me.
Best wishes

Hi Joyce, let us know how you get on, my surgery will be 12 days after yours
I will be thinking of you.
Hi, Donna,

Wow, DVT! All I've been whining about is getting rid of my chest cold (passed the pre-admission testing). Hope your recovery is quick & thorough, so you can have your surgery on time. A friend of mine had his hip replaced by Dr. Hozack, & another friend had a consult/treatment for a knee injury. I've heard only wonderful things about him, so I know we're both in good hands.

Thanks, everyone for your well-wishes. I'm getting a little (!) nervous. :eek:

Wow, DVT!
Ya, isn't life grand. The timing just couldn't be more perfect. Evidently this is a structural defect I have had all of my life. Now why it didn't show up when I was carrying a 10.25 pound baby no one can say. But after a week in the hospital a dynamite vascular team and two stents I am fine. It was really hardest on my family. (the hardest part for me was the fact that I had to lie still) ;)
Except for the really bad Hips I am a really healthy 48 y.o. So I have been fighting my way back to my hip surgery one doc at a time. Yesterday I finally got them to admit that they could allow me to have the surgery by changing the blood thinner they put me on. I scheduled this back in March for August because it was the best time for work and family to do without me.
I went to Hopkins to get a second opinion and even they had great things to say about him. Once I met him I was convinced too. Are you going to Jeff or Nazareth?
Please do let us all know how you get on. I am scheduled to do both at once , twice the fun. ;)
I know what you mean about the nerves. I have been using Josephine's suggestion about focusing on being excited about having my life back. I am SOOOO ready to reclaim my old life as I am sure you are also!
Start making a list of all the great things you are going to do as soon as you are healed!!!

Best wishes,
Hi, Donna,

I'll be @ Jeff for my surgery (I live in NJ). I admire you for having both hips done @ the same time. As far as I know, my right hip is ok, but I was born with & treated for bilateral hip dysplasia as an infant & toddler, & I've known for years that my left hip has been on borrowed time.

I've been on the phone with my insurance company a couple of times the past few days - the good news is, I'm covered for more than I thought I was, especially if I go to rehab post-surgery instead of home (or my parents' home @ first). It's not a given that I'll go to an in-patient rehab center, as I'm being told I'm a "fast-track" surgery (with an anterior incision, the recovery time is supposed to be shorter because there's been less trauma to the body).

This forum is the best, isn't it?!
Joyce and Donna,

That is so cool that you two have the same doctor. I am always hoping on this forum that someone will appear from So. Cal.

This is the best. I am so sure it has saved my sanity a million times

Hey John,
I had my right hip replaced 4 weeks ago today. You are in my thoughts. Did the iron pills kill your stomach. I was amazed that I handled them fine, I have not been able to tolerate smaller doses in the past.
You will do great. Jusst remember take those pain meds every 4 hours. Will you have a pca for pain control?
Any questions???
ENjoy your weekend
Judy in So Cal
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