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The Heebee Jeebee Kneebees Tonight

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Mar 24, 2008
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I went to bed about midnight and tried to sleep for an hour. No luck. My leg has that "gotta move it" problem. Looks like there may be no one up to talk to, but if you find yourself awake, I'm here to chat. Meanwhile, I'll play some card games online and maybe take a bicycle spin. Just when things were going so well too......that's the name of the game, I guess!
Okay......2 a.m. and I'm gonna try sleep again. The bod is tired, but the legs just aren't willin'.....maybe this time.
Mmmmmm.....2 hours sleep on the couch. Now it's 4 a.m. and I'm gonna try bed. This puts a whole new meaning to the idea that a person can talk to themselves sometimes. LOL
Hey jamie, I woke up enough to read your post. but fell asleep with the lap top in my lap. Hope you got some more rest. I was thinking of ya! jen
Jamie, so sorry no one was here for you. I have a new buddy, my new body pillow. It really helped me sleep better last night. Woke up a few time sweating, some of that is menapausal but a lot is the Percocet.

My knee looks a little more knee shaped this morning, either the pillow helped or the lymph drainage Kevin helped me with last night? Hope the shape lasts when I'm up for a few hours!!

(((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) to you Jamie and anyone else out there. Sue
Jamie, You hit the nail right on the head! Exactly what it feels like, that restless, can't stand it feeling. I get it from my lower back down my thigh to my knee and I can't stand being still. Gotta get up. If I take a pill it goes away, but like Skeet said, duh! I must be addicted. So, I'll see if I can get through it naturally. Boo Hoo
I guess my glass of chocolate milk (Ovaltine, actually) and 5 minutes on the bike in the dark at 4 a.m. and I made it to sleep. Only woke up this morning at 7 to take pain meds, then back to sleep for another hour. Don't feel too bad. Could probably sleep some more, but PT is coming at 10, so I need to hit the shower first. Thanks for the post-sleepless in Kansas City hugs....even after the fact they feel good. You guys are the best.
That is me too, sleep for an hour, up, do some laps around the house, look like a caged lion. Read, fall asleep, wake up read the same page 20 times. Dream in between, weird dreams. Try to go to bed, can't sleep, move to sofa, can't sleep, back to bed. Walk some more, get on computer sometimes, watch tv, can't take much more HGTV and and Used to love it, same with the food channel. Finally find an old movie that seems good, fall asleep long enough to not know what the heck is going on. Knee is so stiff, so restless, then pain, then over and over and over.
Thing is I just went through this in January and it does end. Honestly it does. Hang in there and just go with it. First time around I was very pouty and crying, that is how I found this forum, this time around I feel better about it. I just sleep when sleep finds me. Here's to a few good hours.
Kath, you are soooooo right!!!! I could have written your post!

I can't take the percs as they make me want to climb out of my skin so I took Vicodan. It took me a long time to realize that I can't sleep when taking the Vicodan so I had a choice, take the drugs and stay awake or don't take the drugs and stay awake because of the pain......
1jt.....can't they find another pain med for you? There are others. Have you told your doc the Vicodin keeps you awake???
Jamie, No I didn't really discover that it was keeping me awake at first. I have Vicodan now, for my back, but I' don't take it often. I mainly take my anti-inflammatories and aspirin most of the time. I'm at the point that I don't need anyting for the new knee but do for all the other problems.

My back got knocked out of whack during my knee replacement and I at first thought the anethesiologist dropped me on the floor. The last thing I remember before surgery is the 80 pound lady telling me to lay down real quick before I conked out. During recovery, the back pain was far worse then the knee pain for about 8 weeks and it's still there but better. My neurosurgeon says the pain is coming from the area between my tailbone and my hip because I'm very badly misaligned, which I knew. The tkr just seemed to set off a problem that was already there. The shot I'm getting on Wednesday has to be guided in using some type of ultrasound, I think. I know that it's more then a quick shot in the butt! I can hardly wait for this one! NOT!!!!!
Sue, glad to hear the body pillow helped. I had the restless legs last night. Tried using my pedal exerciser and that helped a bit. I think the muscles just need to move and some mild exercise took care of it.
Wow, really have some challenges! What a strong person you are to deal with this. I'm glad you have this group to lean on when you need us. One thing you might try to help you sleep is Benadryl. My doctor recommended that I take 1-2 capsules at bedtime with my pain meds. Something is working because most nights I can sleep just fine. Just now and then I get that "restless leg" thing....not really pain. And that seems to go away if I exercise the muscles by walking or riding the bike for 5 minutes. Anyway, you could try the Benadryl - non-prescription stuff.
1JT - I had no idea you were in such pain! God bless your little heart. I'll up the prayers for you, honey. And I'll pray that get that shot in the exact right location where it can do the very most good. God bless you!

I stayed in PT for over 4 months after tkr because of the back. The PT didn't really help the back so now it's shot time. It mainly bothers me when I'm sitting, especially in the car and I can only sleep on by left side with my man pillow since surgery.

My car has been in the shop this past week and the loaner car they gave me, a BMW 335 (LOTS of power!!!) has heated and much more comfy seats then my car and I have found heaven having the heated seats, even when it's been about 60 outside! Of course, they are trying to sell me a new car!
I do LOVE heated seats. Wish my car had them. In my NEXT car the seats will be heated and there will be individual temperature controls for each side of the car! I love to be warm and my hubby is always too hot... LOL... my hubby is too hot! That sounds naughty!
Maybe he's starting manopause.....and getting hot flashes. Rotten, I know....I couldn't help myself. Blame it on the drugs.
Skeet, mines the opposite, he's always cold and I'm hot!!!! Ha! But this loaner car has definitely sold me on the heated seats. They are built in heating pads! Yeah! Great on my back!
My sister in law in the UK has that sort of shot for her back, she has Post Polio Syndrome. It usually helps her for quite a long time. Good luck to you.
I'm hope the shot on Wednesday works for awhile because on Thursday, I see my orthopedic surgeon and plan to schedule the next surgery ASAP. My Neurosurgeon said my back won't get ultimately better until I get my leg shortened which I hope to have fixed with the next surgery. Luckily my docs know one another so they should have talked to each other, by now, about their really messed up patient.

I'm glad it's helped your sister.
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