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The good, the bad....

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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Don't think there is anything ugly... but the good is that I've noticed when I wake up my involved knee looks normal - not swollen. I can see my kneecap and such easily. It really looks just like the normal knee. Of course, after I'm up and around for a while it swells a bit, but, again, it gives me hope.

The bad is that I am really down today after having such a great day yesterday. Dang! Sometimes being an eternal optimist sucks. I always think when I have a great day that I'm 'there'. Of course, we all know I'm NOT, but I can't help but think that. Plus my husband is gone and I miss him. He takes care of me and I'm so spoiled. My kids are nearly as accommodating...

So an extra prayer sent my way would be greatly appreciated today and tomorrow. I'm starting to ache a lot and that just makes me weepy... when will it end?????

God bless all you saints!
skeet, prayer and blessing to you. It's the end of the day and my knees just changed their mind about good and bad as well. A couple of pills, prayers and some time and tomorrow comes again. especially for us optimists. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." jen
Phil 4:13 - my favorite verse! My favorite book is James... that should tell you something about me!! Love you, Jen. Thanks for caring. It moves me to tears to have such good friends online. I seriously wonder how some of us would have survived otherwise! God bless your evening. May your pill "cut in" quickly and may you have a blessed night's rest.
we would all be in a world of hurt if it want for our lord and savior Jesus Christ !! he sure makes it easier as do all of you folks do for me ........ love you all JIM
Thanks, Jim. Ditto on my prayers for you. Times like these always draw me so much closer to Jesus. I know He uses this all for good. I hate to whine about my small issues when there is so much suffering in the world, but He always comforts me as if mine are His only cares. Rejoice in our sufferings, James says. Praise and Glory to God, Amen!
Somehow, just starting this conversation brought up all the emotions for me. I'm now crying and feeling really blue. I wish I could understand the ups and downs of this all better. It seems like I should be beyond all this weepiness by now. Is it the meds? I take anti-depressants and have doubled the dosage since I had surgery... I hate feeling like this. Moping around the house whining, feeling sorry for myself - like this is sooo bad. Am I the only one feeling this way? I'm at 15 weeks and thought I'd be over this by now.
Praise On, Sister Skeet!
I think it's been a "down" day for most of us. Perc. isn't working.....we'll just have to ride this storm out. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. Hang in there, girl!
My Heels are up by 10 ------HOLD ON HEELS----these games make me SO nervous!!

What network is the game on? maybe it will take my mind off myself.'ll hear the TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL cheer........come on, Skeet, watch it with me!!
Got it. Thanks! And go Tar Heels! I never liked Louisville....
Knowing we are both watching it together does make me feel a bit better... thanks! I can just hear you yellin' and hootin' and hollerin'. Wish I were there in person. I just know you have some great snacks and stuff.... I so wish you lived in the neighborhood.
Patti, skeet & I are on our way to you where it is warmer.
okay skeeter....I'm passing you a boneless buffalo wing!.....Bread Pudding is on the counter....(GO DANNY GREEN!!).....the rest is in the fridge.....Lou's coach makes me want to GAG!

It only made it to 40 something today....81 yesterday....freaky weather down here! Come on down,girls, we'll have the damndest pajama party you've EVER seen!!
Since you are so tall, Patti, I'm wondering if you played ball in HS or college?
I played highschool ball....I SHO did help make a big ol' Offense Lineman. Most OL (Offensive Lineman) moms sit together at ballgames....we're always the AMAZONS! The Running back's moms are the little petities. The Defensive Lineman mom's are the biggest! That's just the way it is.
Dang, these wings are great. I love bread pudding - can i get your recipe? And i don't like pitino either. Although I do like the red uniforms :) But blue and white are classics and you don't mess with classics. This is helping. I'm feeling better already! Enough with the commercials... let's get back to the game!
Yep, I'm the mom of two O linemen. And you are so right about the running backs and QB moms - too funny. I never thought of it before. I played, too, but at 5'4" I wasn't much of a 'player'. I still yell and carry on at FB games - we have 4 ex cheerleaders and we all sit together and help out the girls. We have quite a reputation
Jenn!! So glad you could make it. Good to "see" you! How are you doing?
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