The Cane versus walker cautionary tale

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junior member
Jan 15, 2009
United States
Six weeks out and wondering which to take with me downtown San Francisco. Wanting to be "cool" but choosing safety first ( not like me)..I took both. Parked in garage, second floor, walker in tow and folded cane across walker's handles. Off I rolled to a college theater class. On return, in the parking garage, couldn't find the car! Rolled around the entire second floor twice...couldn't walk anymore. Sat in the walker seat and called my husband to ask his advice. He drove his car down, into the garage and found me and we drove around again and found the car. Lucky me for a compassionate husband! There is a morale to this story. When in doubt about going "outside" on your own, take every available piece of equipment you have! I'd never made it to class, much less lasted in the parking garage with just a cane! More is better! ...and no you may not call my husband!

P.S. h ow DO you get the smiley icons to print as icons? Mine just write the word!
Aw Lissa Im so sorry but i still love the way you tell your stories i can see you rolling around the parking lot with your bet you were tired.........your hubby is a sweetheart........that was so nice of him..

Smiley's .It will write the word but once you hit post it will show up.............keep on going Lissa...glad everything worked out........)
Lissa I am famous for loosing my car in parking garages. I have many stories. My hubby was coming once to help me find my car as well. Then I found it. I've had security guards drive me around as well!!!
Glad you were prepared
Good thinking, are one smart cookie! And that sweet hubby of yours deserves a couple of extra hugs. He's a keeper!

Let me know if you are still having trouble getting the smileys in your posts. I can tell you some things to check.
Good thinking! There was a time years ago that I lost my car in the parking lot. Looked and looked for it. I even had people ask if they could help me find it. We looked forever then the light bulb came on...I had borrowed my Dad's car because mine was in the shop...I felt like an idiot. At least you has a sweetheart of a husband come help you. He deserves the Husband of the Year Award!
I have found it best to use the walker when in crowds. People will give more room to a walker than to a cane. I am past the time for the walker but would use it if I had to go to a larger gathering.

Always nice to have a happy ending to the story.
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