The bumpy road of recovery

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junior member
May 1, 2008
United States
I had a good weekend, no real stiffness, good workouts etc. Went to PT on Monday with high expectations and gained 3 degrees in the left knee to 105 and -6 extention which was the same. Right knee was 94 a gain of 2 and -9 a gain of 3. I had injured my right knee causing the lag. I biked and walked and felt great! Tuesday therapy 104/-6 in left which was ok and 98/-12 in right. My therapist teased me about my right changing numbers, gaining in one area and losing in the other, thereby staying the same. I still felt good because the right is finally moving! No MUA on the horizon!
My boss called today and wanted an update, and I told him I just didn't know.
Best guess is 2 weeks if I can get in and out of the propane truck. I'm going in Friday to see how bad it's going to be. Getting in and out of the truck is my biggest concern, and I figured pulling hose and delivering fuel would be OK. I'm 8 weeks out from BTKR by the way.

Well last night I went to a friends retirement dinner which had 2 flights of stairs. Up was no problem, down was 1 step at a time. There was a little bit of swelling in my left knee. Today I went grocery shopping to a store and then a big box store. Then I worked on the lawn mower, went and got parts and fuel, put them on and started the mower. Runs good now. I came into the house and sat down for about 15 minutes and boom my left knee is stiff and swollen. More swollen than it has been in 2 or 3 weeks. I guess I just over did it. Now I'm worried about PT tomorrow, and my thinking that I can pull hose all day.

I know I'm just rushing too much, but it's still frustrating! I come from the instant gratification era! Well I'm going to Ice and relax and probably not work out tonight. Hopefully I'll be back by PT tomorrow. I don't want the therapist to hook me up and electrocute me! (Just kidding, she did that to get my quad working) I just know she'll be disappointed like me. Well thanks for listening to my whine, I'll let you know how I do tomorrow.

Hang in there Steve, it can be a bumpy ride sometimes. I think it's great that you're pushing forward. Really thats about all we can do right? Do what ya can and don't sweat the rest. God bless ya bro.
Hi Steve, I'm 7 weeks Bi-lat TKR yesterday. I know getting in and out of my vehicle is challanging. But is better every day. But mine is just a SUV, not a big truck. I realized today that even though I'm exhausted at the end of the day and sometimes doze at the computer (probably from meds) I really haven't been taking a nap anymore. The need to SLEEP has diminished. Wow, another milestone. Now I just try to decide what I'm going to do each day and see if I can do it. This change in life is pretty incredible....Huh?
Jenn, I still cannot believe how well you are doing!! I still have to take a nap in the afternoon, especially after PT or Aquafit or shopping etc. I am at 17 weeks now too and only had one done!! Mind you, I think you said you were still a spring chicken at 39? maybe thats it, I will be 54 on the 18th, a real old codger!!

I am so pleased for you!! Keep it up. (((((((((HUGS))))))))) Sue
Steve, it sounds like you are totally normal. I wanted to come out of the hospital with no pain and full ROM. Clearly, I had some disappointments. It will come and soon. The 10-12 week range was full of improvements for me and, to the best of my recollection, for many others on here, too. Then at 4 months you will see another step function improvement and again around 5-6 months. I go for hours without even thinking of my knee now. In fact I used me knee to get onto my son's bed yesterday and only thought about it after I did it.

Also, note that as many of us have hit the ~4 month mark, we stop visiting the forum as often. That's a really good sign that we're doing much better. So, you'll be back to work soon, I'm sure. Don't go back too soon, though. Once you get back, folks forget that you've had major surgery and expectations are the same as they were when you left!

God bless you and speed your recovery.
Sue, I'm 40 now, so whilst (I know you all liked that word) I'm younger, I have crossed THAT marker. Did that in the hospital. You are not an old codger. 53 is young enough to want it and old enough to know how to get it. Happy early birthday.
Your meds may really be contributing to how tired you feel. They do for me. And i know how hard you are working to get off them, so you'll feel better and less tired then.
I did tell my husband though that if /when i decide to take a nap, and I will, I will not feel guilty about it.
Good For You Jennifer, You Have Been Through A Lot And Listening To Your Body Is Really Important, Probably Why You Have Been Doing So Well. Am Wondering, Though, This Morning, How Northman Is Doing This Morning. Hope You Woke Up And The Swelling Was Down But If It Was Still Swollen It Seems, From All The Posts I Have Read In The Last Few Months, That Is Part Of The Healing Process. I Know It Must Be Dissapointing To You, But Think Of All The Prgress You Are Making. I Do Have One Question About Driving A Big Truck. How Will You Be Able To Manage The Foot Pedals? I Broke My Left Foot, Actually It Was Crushed, Several Years Ago And I Could Never Drive A Vehicle That Had A Clutch Afterwards, It Will Swell Up Everytime. Sounds As Though You Have Been Driving As Most People On The Forum Do, Does It Hurt Your Knee Or Cause Swelling? Thanks And Good Luck On Getting Back To Work. You All Really Give Me Hope Of Being Able To Run The Vacuum Again. Never Thought I Would Say I Miss Housework But I Do Miss It And Can Hardly Wait To Clean My House Myself. My Oldest Son And Husband Have Been Doing Everything For Me And God Bless Them, Neither One Ever Complains. Rowdy
That's right Rowdy, days right? I'll keep you in prayer. Have you bought your SS?
HAPPY Birthday Sue ill be 54 on the 13th .hummmmmmm i cant remember 39 LOL LOL oh to bee 39 again LOL ......... Hang in therte Steve i know what your going through im 9 weeks out and just got off the meds thank the lord wish you the best Steve take care ...................... JIM
Hi guys, Thanks for the support. Only did some extension exercises last night, 10lbs on the knee while my feet were in another chair on a rolled up towel for 20 min. Left knee was so swollen, I didn't even get to any pain levels the whole 20 min.

Woke up this morning and it was a new day! No swelling in the knee. Went to PT and did 108 on the left and 100 on the right! A milestone, 100 in both knees. Took almost 9 weeks to get there, but I'm there. Extensions were the same as Wed. but that's OK.

Thanks again....Steve
Way to go, northman!!! Sounds like your efforts are paying off! Don't worry about the time it is taking you to get to a given point. We are all different and the good news is that you are consistently improving.
Hey Steve. When you do extensions like this for 20 mins and 10lb weights, do you only have pain in the knee/back of the knee or does the pain stretch up to your butt like it always does for me?
Jim...Happy Birthday to you too on the 13th.

Steve...Glad your knee feels better now. Great about your ROM, you are doing better than me!! it the 13th for your op? Good luck!! Will be thinking of you. (((((HUGS))))) Sue
I normally only have pain behind my knee when I do the weighted extensions. I guess it runs up my thighs some too. The worst part for me is trying to bend them again, major pain for a few seconds.

Way To Go Northman. With Everyone Here Pulling From You I Am Not At All Surprised You Woke Up With No Swelling And Did So Well. This Bunch Seems To Have A Lot Of Influence With The Big Guy Upstairs. And Yes, Gang, I Am On The Short Count Now For Sure. My Surgery Is This Tuesday And I Am Ready. To Make It Even Better I Got A Large Envelope Of Wonderful Pictures Taken Of My Son Tony And The Lady Who Was With Him. Sadly She Passed Away Week Before Last. But, The Pictures Are Wonderful And You Can Count On Me Having Them With Me. What A Comfort. Thanks To You All For Your Wonderful Kindness And Support. I Look Forward To Posting With Stitches And Scars And Swelling And Sleepless Nights And Herky-jerky Legs Even. You All Are Wonderful Friends And I Thank God For Each And Everyone Of You. So Keep Me In Your Prayers Tuesday. You Can Be Sure You Will All Be In Mine. Rowdy
Rowdy, glad you have pictures to enjoy. And just wait til you have new knees to enjoy! Tuesday. yeah! Prayer hat is on.
Best wishes for you Rowdy. I will be praying for your successful surgery and recovery. Those of us still facing this journey will be needing each other in the months to come. You have overcome great hurdles so far, so I am sure God will give you the strength to get over this one. Just keep thinking of the rewards!
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