The Alaskan Adventure

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Re: Officially worried about Marianne

I'm worried too. Both about her health and that we all ganged up on her....
All well-meaning advice--- but maybe we over-stepped.

Hey Marianne---- if you read this--- come on back! It was meant in love and concern. Bottom line --- we are here to support you in whatever decisions you make.

We'll play nice. Promise. Double-pinkie swear.

We miss you.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

We are all very concerned and worried. The advice was out of CONCERN. We are all in this together, and we just want the best for each of us. Marianne, we truly are worried, and you are in our prayers. PLEASE post and let us know that you are okay.

Thoughts are with you,
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Thank you for your worry - I am ok. No - you didn;t gang up on me - I have been more tired than I have ever been in my life. I talked to my sister this pm (NY) and she told me to get my but in to see the OS this week and not wait till next (8/29). I tried my best to deal with this coming week and am now scheduled for all half days. Hopefully that will help. I am experiencing so much heat in the knee and I can't say the leg is RED but it is definitely a different color than the other leg. I had PT Friday and she bent till the tears rolled down my face. We hit 80 - after heat, stretching and the whole she-bang. I can manage without the crutches and only look somewhat frankenstienish when waddling around.

In addition to the heat and color - and all the lousy swelling- I have been having night sweats/chills and they also occur throughout the day. I know - its defitely my body giving me grief. I am exhausted after doing the littlest things. - After taking a shower I feel like I need a nap. I don't have pain - just a dull aching when I walk. PT really stirs things up - That is truly the only time I have "pain". It feels like the medial side of my knee is going to pop through the skin, also like there is a band stretched tightly across the top of my knee. I told my sister it feels like a stick bending that just needs to break so that it can bend.

I feel like a whiny baby. The lousy pain from before surgery is ALL GONE!!! But its like this whole new thing. My dad said I am pushing to hard and the he** with school. My sister had a bunion surgery this winter and was off her feet for 4 weeks. I really thought I would be ok to head back to work - I know - stupid move. I will talk with the os and find out what he thinks about the 80 ROM and being back at school. If he thinks school is too much I will get a note. My boss has been awesome and said to do whatever it takes.

THANK YOU for all the support - and kind words and everything else. It wasn't you guys - This is the first time I have put the computer on since Thursday pm. I just keep sleeping. I really have never slept this much in my life. I also moved to a lower dose hydrocodone (my os wasn't available when I renewed so the other was hesitant to give me 10s so I am down to 5s) but still have the flexirile.

Thanks -
Re: Officially worried about Marianne


Thanks for posting. I was worried too.
I hope you get to your doctor tomorrow !!!
Sorry you are feeling so bad, I wish I could help somehow.
hopefully you can let us know what your doc says.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a rough time of it. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope you get to see the OS tomorrow. It doesn't sound good that your knee is hot and red. One of things that could be contributing to the sleepiness is the flexiril. That stuff will knock me out for days. I take Skelaxin--maybe a little less "relaxing" than the flexiril, but I least I can stay awake.

Thanks so much for posting tonight. I figured you were just too worn out to make it online, but it's good to know that for sure.

Take care
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

I had to take flexiril years ago while I was at the police department. I was Commander of Investigations at the time and had a bad back spasm. One of my Secretaries begged me to get off the stuff. She said I was up just wandering around getting the detectives nervous. Can't imagine taking that with a pain pill. I'd probably be found in Alaska or something.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

I took flexeril a couple years ago for another issue and boy did it KNOCK me out! But really Marianne, watch that red hot Knee. The night sweats and chills sounds like a fever to me. Please call your OS and let us know what happens.
Doug, you waiting for the hurricane? Stay dry.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

My thoughts are with you, Marianne. This is a tough time for you, I know. You have all the support in the world here with your online friends. Put your health first and let us know how things are going whenever you can. We care about you! ....Jamie
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Jenn, yep waiting and wishing they could get more accurate with the track. This path this one is taking is going to be critical. If it enters the western Fla waters and stays there, there will be a problem. Those are the hottest waters in the Gulf. It needs to track east and hit land. That will degrade it to just a big rain event.
One thing for sure living in Florida. There is always one out there with your cities name on it.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

It sounds like you are exhausted. Remember ice, elevation, and rest are the things we need to pay attention to on this road to recovery. I know you feel you should be in the classroom for the children, however, you want to heal well and at a good pace rather than be exhausted and have the healing take even longer.
I gave myself 8 full weeks with another adult to help with the children who attend my family child care following my BTKR. Today is my first day back on my own. Fortunately, I have one child who finished for the summer and is on vacation with family this week. Two other children are absent today as they are still away for a long weekend at their grandparents. I have another one who is home ill. Consequently I have only 4 children in care today. The rest of the week I will be back to 7 children daily. Following Labor Day I will have only 5 children; 2 ~ 1 year old boys, a 3 year old girl soon to be 4 in September, and 2 other 4 year old girls. I have been fortunate to have had 10 PT home visits and finished with a 125 degree ROM. With continued exercise I hope to increase it to 135.
Being in pain and tired is not what you truly want for the children in your classroom. Take the time off now to heal well, gain your ROM, and be well rested.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne


I still prefer hurricane threats and hurricanes to EARTH QUAKES!!!!
I love being given warning, even if it still a bit of a guessing game!!

We just moved back to Socal 2 years ago , after 10 in Atlanta. I was wondering how I would feel after our first EQ. Well, fortuate for me I was swimming laps and had no clue it happened.
Good thing, I was not around to scare my kids!!!!

Good Luck with the rain and wind

Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Marianne. Glad to see you are still around. I found the Percocets (oxycodone) gave me the hot sweats all day and night. I have been off them for a week now (after 8 months)and the hot sweats are better, but it's hard to say entirely as I am also at "that age" for hot flashes!!

You really shouldn't be reducing the pain killers yet though as you still need them at such an early stage. Try and get your OS to get back to the original strength.

I used to need a nap after taking a shower in the morning, or any little thing I did. Sleep is a good and necessary way of healing, nap all you need. I really hope you get a doctors note to stay off work a lot longer.

I had all the symptons you are talking about(except the excessive heat of the knee} That is probably because you are pushing yourself too hard by being back at work.

I had a lot of problems with the ROM, I also felt the band you are talking about around your knee. That didn't go until I had the manipulation. I was at 93 before the manipulation (I had that at almost 7 months out) I am still only at 102, but my OS is still pleased with my progress and said it could take me a year or more. I am just one of those people who swell easily and take a longer time to recover. You may also be one of those people?!

Please take more care of yourself. The swelling, and discolouration, will subside eventually, my swelling is finally much better now, but still with me. Don't rush it, get lots of sleep. It's only this past month that I no longer need my afternoon nap after physio or aqua fit. I know I am older than you (I'm 54) but your body is telling you to slow down.

Good luck with your OS. ((((((HUGS))))) Sue
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Doug, I am thinking of you while you are under threat of a hurricane. Please stay safe!!.
How is your mum doing now?

Take the graetest of care. (((((HUGS)))))) Sue
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Hon, if you are taking a muscle relaxer with a pain pill it may explain your feeling of exagerated tiredness. I take Soma and I really have to watch the amount I take as it will knock me off my feet and I will feel like you describe, just tired to the bone. Don't get me wrong, I take about four a day but there are times I have to really cut back or I am just sleeping all the time. Hope this is some help and that you are feeling better soon. Rowdy
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Sue, she is doing great. She is in outpatient therapy. She may beat the therapist if she bends her leg too much again but she's still improving.
She is really pushing her walking and pool exercises.
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

That's great news Doug. Say hi to her for me when you speak and tell her to keep up the good work!!
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Doug, How ya'll doing down there? I have been praying for you. Looks like we may get some of the rain and a little wind up here Friday or Saturday.
We rode out Hugo in the 80's and I really don't want to do that again.
It really tore us up! I live near Shaw AFB and they clocked the winds that night at 130 MPH.
So you guys hang in there. Please keep posting if you are able so we will know you are ok. God bless!!!
Re: Officially worried about Marianne

Marianne - just please remember this one thing. Healing takes up a LOT of energy. If you are expending it all on doing things too much too soon, then the body doesn't have that reserve of energy for healing.

To quote - someone else - just sayin'
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